  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Innovative Business Operation of Cram School

指導教授 : 許文忠


本研究主要探討文教產業中國小補習班的創新經營,採文獻分析法與訪談法,了解國小補習班經營之現況,且依據研究結果來提出具體建議,達成研究目的,以使研究結果更加完善。 根據研究主題,主要目的有三:一、探討個案學校進行創新經營的背景因素;二、分析個案學校創新經營策略的作法;三、根據結論 提出建議以供個案補習班經營之參考。 首先,透過文件與文獻資料的蒐集,針對補習班創新經營之意涵、相關理論與研究、補習班創新經營策略及困境進行探討,接著再進行訪談,訪談對象為補習班班主任、補習班老師、家長等。最後, 本研究綜合文獻分析法與訪談法所得之資料,獲得結論與建議歸納如下: 一、就行政管理方面,行政組織是老師的最佳補給線,對行政效率要求甚嚴,有良好的行政組織才能提供給老師最佳的行政支援與服務。 二、就課程教學方面,可依學生不同程度來實施教學,開發學習興趣及其潛能,促使學生自我實現與理想。 三、就學生展能方面,老師能運用多元且具創意性的活動設計,吸引學生學習上的興趣,同時給予學生適性的教學,滿足學生的個別需求。 四、就環境資源方面,爭取資源挹注,更新老舊的設施,獲得來自社區資源與家長的社會支援,達到補習班環境改善的理想,激發學生學習的動機。 五、就招生策略方面,能加速提供更好的感動服務以滿足學生的需求和家長的期待並積極提高教學的品質和服務的品質。


補習班 創新經營 招生策略


The study aims to explore the innovation management of cram school for elementary school students, by using methods of document analysis and interview to understand the current management situation of the cram school as a culture and education industry and further proposing suggestions as references for the industry. Three objectives are included in the study: 1. to investigate the background factors improving the incentives for the case cram school to perform innovation management, 2. to analyze the operations of innovation management of the case cram school, 3. to propose suggestions as references for the case cram school. First, documents and literatures are gathered for further discussions and reviews on the advantages and disadvantages of theories, implications, and strategies of cram school innovation management. Then, interviews on subjects, including director and teachers of cram school and parents of the students, are conducted; finally, analyzing the data collected by the methods of document analysis and interview, and the result of the study indicates as follows: 1. In administration and management: the administration system is responsible for the supports to the teachers, and only a well-organized administration system with efficiency can offer sufficient administrative service and support. 2. In teaching: it is recommended that to teach students with their talents and progresses, a syllabus fitting the requirement may help in supporting students developing their talents. 3. In developing students’ potential: teachers should expand distinguish and creative educational events in which stimulating interest in learning and providing satisfactory teaching basing on talents of the students. 4. In establishing a better environment: renew the teaching facility by trying to find social support from community and student parents; an environmental comfort class can effectively stimulate students’ interest in learning. 5. In student recruitment and admission: an ideal student recruitment can be achieved by continually improving the quality of teaching and offering touching service with speed meeting the demand of the students and the expectation of the parents.


