  • 學位論文


Study on the Investment Strategy of Taiwan’s Industrial Land

指導教授 : 陳建良




In response to changes in the international economic situation, the favorable conditions for onshore investment have decreased, and Taiwanese businessmen have increasingly invested in Taiwan. This study discusses the current situation and problems of industrial land supply and demand, industrial land reform goals, and strategies, and finds the current stage of industrial land development in Taiwan. It can be roughly divided into two categories: "not easy to obtain" and "idle unused". In light of this, this research focuses on depth interviews on professional investment in Taiwan’s industrial land, and through SWOT analysis seven procedures to formulate investment strategies 略 to formulate investment strategies with the most investment value. The empirical results found that there are three strategies for Taiwan's industrial land investment: first, actively counsel manufacturers to operate legally; second, actively deploy and continue to increase investment; third, revitalize factories in idle industrial areas. The conclusion of this study can provide a complete and feasible investment strategy model for Taiwan's industrial land. It can help Taiwan's industrial land to be developed and used in a more reasonable way to promote the sustainable development of the economic industry.


一、 中文文獻
1. 中華民國全國工業總會 (2019),2019年工總白皮書,台北。
2. 世邦魏理仕 (2019),台灣工業地產市場概況,台北。
3. 呂宗盈、林建元 (2002),由制度面探討台灣土地使用管理制度變遷之研究,建築與規劃學報,3(2),136-159.
4. 李明娟 (2016),台商在中國大陸投資房地產策略之探討-以重慶市為例,中山大學高階經營碩士班未出版之碩士論文。
