  • 學位論文


Simulation Study On Two-Stage Inventory Policies With Non-unit Sized Demand

指導教授 : 蔡啟揚


在存貨管理的學術研究上,眾多文獻皆以單位需求進行相關管理策略的探討,但是實際業界所面對的顧客需求型態,卻是以批量的方式進行訂購,而批量式訂購會使得需求變異性加大,造成管理者在存貨決策上更加複雜,而在二階存貨系統中,上游廠商又會受到下游廠商的存貨誤差,加倍放大需求變異的影響,因此原先以單位需求為發展的存貨策略,必須要進行相關調整才能更有效率地運用在批量環境中。 本研究為零售商與配銷中心所組成的二階存貨系統,並將顧客到達率假設服從卜瓦松分配,每位顧客批量需求大小服從常態分配,借此假設來接近實際顧客批量需求情況;研究主要分別提出有考慮批量需求與沒有考慮批量需求的存貨觀念,再搭配不同的存貨管理手法,衍生出多種的存貨策略,並在有限的資訊下以總成本最小為目標,各自制定出再訂購點與訂購批量。 本研究設計兩種不同的需求情境,分別為小批量與大批量需求,再透過不同的情境模擬實驗,來探討每種存貨策略使用在不同環境下,批量訂購大小對於系統、決策制定與成本績效評估的影響;研究結果說明,當考慮批量需求條件時,系統靠提升庫存量來降低缺貨的發生機率,因此持有成本會增加而缺貨成本會減少,若在小批量需求環境中系統能降低的缺貨成本有限,但在大批量環境中缺貨的改善幅度會較大,因此建議在大批量環境中要考慮批量需求的條件。


In most research on inventory management, inventory policies are studied under the assumption of unit-sized demands. However, demands from customers are usually non-unit sized in practice. With batch ordering, demand variability is enhanced and causes complexity in inventory control decision making. Firms in the upstream of the supply chain are affected more as the variability is magnified. Therefore, the inventory policies originally developed assuming unit-sized demands have to be modified in order to be applied in systems with batch demands. This study considers a two-stage inventory system that contains a retailer and a supplier. Customer arrivals at the retailer are assumed to be Poisson distributed. Order quantity of a customer is assumed to be normally distributed. Inventory control policies with and without the consideration of non-unit sized demands are developed. Methods for determining reorder points and order quantities are proposed in attempt to reduce total costs with various degrees of information sharing. Two scenarios with different batch demand sizes are designed and examined through simulation study. Affects of each inventory control policy to system performance in each scenario are analyzed.


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