  • 學位論文


Risk Management Research of the Information Outsourcing Service-A Case Study in the Information Servicing Industry

指導教授 : 劉俞志


資訊科技快速進步,資訊系統己成為企業從事商業活動中不可或缺的管理控制工具;但由於資訊人才不足,以及企業資訊管理部門學習資訊科技的速度趕不上組織目標需求的變化等因素,資訊業務委外已成為企業發展資訊系統的方法之一。然而,行政院主計處之政府機構的資訊系統委外開發案中,就有高達78%的專案有執行上的問題。由於,專案的生命週期分為四個階段,每階段所面臨的問題也許不同。本研究擬探討兩個問題:不同的資訊委外服務專案種類是否會產生不同的風險指標? 不同的專案生命週期階段是否會有不同的專案委外風險因子。研究方法採個案研究法,共訪問 15個專案委外相關人員,包括: 總經理、專案經理、資訊人員…等以實際個案訪談記錄及收集到的文件,來分析個案在資訊服務委外時曾遇到的風險項目,以及其影響程度,進而導出本研究的結論,提供企業評估及建置資訊服務委外專案的參考。


The information systems (IS) have become management tools in the enterprise that engages in business activities. Due to the lack of experts in IS and the fact that the business goal outrun the IS personnel’s learning, the outsourcing of information business has become major solutions for the IS development in enterprises. However, in the case of the IT systems development outsourcing of the government apparatus of the DGBAS, there are up to 78 percent with certain problems with the project implementations. As a result of the project's life cycle is divided into four stages, each stage maybe confront with different problems. This study intends to confer two problems: whether different types of IT outsourcing service projects will produce different risk indicators? Whether different stages of the project life cycle will have different project outsourcing risk factors? The study adopts a case study method, a total of 15 projects outsourced related personnel and other interviews’ records of the actual cases as well as the documents collected. This work analyzes the risk projects encountered during the IT services outsourcing of the cases, as well as their impacts. The findings of this work provide the enterprise assessment as well as a reference for building an IT services outsourcing project.


Institutional I~dlue~lceosn Information Systems
combination of transaction cost economics and the core
(1998), "Assessing the Risk of IT Outsourcing."
