  • 學位論文


Congestion Management in Deregulation Market

指導教授 : 洪穎怡


摘要 電力市場解制後,競標與雙向合約成為電力市場中主要的交易方式。當大量的電力交易投入電力市場時,輸電系統容易因輸電容量限制而形成壅塞。本文應用線性規劃法建立自由市場的競標與雙向合約之數學模型,考慮競標成本及代輸成本最小,並滿足系統所有運轉限制,以及利用重新調度非固定雙向合約與輔助服務之可停電力來排除系統異常與壅塞情形。 同時,利用模糊分類及分類指標法對多時段的系統節點電價進行壅塞管理分區,並找出平均區域電價進行壅塞管理。最後以IEEE 30匯流排與IEEE 118匯流排進行模擬測試,來證明本論文所提方法之可行性。 關鍵詞:解制、壅塞、線性規劃、模糊分類、分類指標。


解制 分類指標 線性規劃 模糊分類 壅塞


Abstract Competition bidding and bilateral contract are the main transaction modes in a deregulated market. The substantial increase in power transations between and across regions and the increased use of transmission grid in general cause many transmission systems frequently congested. This thesis employed linear programming to slove a deregulated market considering minimizing the bidding price and wheeling cost while satisfying operation constraints. The bilateral contracts for scheduling coordinators and the interruptible loads for ancillary service were modeled for solving abnormal or congestion problems. This thesis also employed Fuzzy-C-Means (FCM) algorithm and a validity index called a Partition Separation (PS) Index for fuzzy clustering to determine the congestion zone. Then the average zone prices can also be obtained. The IEEE 30-bus system and IEEE 118-bus system were used as a test systems for showing the applicability of the proposed method. Key word:Deregulated Market, Congestion, Linear Programming, Fuzzy-C-Means (FCM) Algorithm, Partition Separation (PS) Index


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