  • 學位論文


Spectral Analysis of Deeper Groundwater Level in Nearshore area of Choshuihsi Alluvial Plain

指導教授 : 李錦地


中文摘要 本研究旨在以地下水水位觀測值,以頻譜分析方法,探討各觀測井站之地下水位擾動特性,並以定量界定擾動發生之頻率、週期與擾動強度等。 本研究資料取自於經濟部水利處,分別以濁水溪南、北之臨近海岸各地下水水位觀測井站作分析,其中濁水溪以北取芳苑2作為柑園2、漢寶2、潭墘2與西港2等地下水水位之對照觀測井站;濁水溪以南取箔子2作為安南2、海園2、後安2與崙子2等地下水水位之對照觀測井站,取樣時間共3個月之2160個逐時資料,以進行頻譜分析。 經過頻譜分析得知週期較大(頻率較小)之擾動傳遞至地下水水位之週期較不亦易受改變;而週期較小(頻率較大)之擾動週期則有略高或較低週期偏移的趨勢。且南、北各站之全日週期與半日週期擾動為最顯著,三分之一日週期、四分之一日週期、六分之一日週期等擾動則部分與各自之對照站的週期(頻率)類似。這些分量的發生可能與含水層部分之完整性、結構性及潮汐所引起之地下水透水程度與傳遞能力有關,且經由各個地下水觀測井站之頻率分量分析,不但瞭解到各觀測井站之間的相關程度,在全日性及半日性週期波動之相關性甚高外,對於各個地下水水位之時間延遲及地下水水位升降之時間差,在本研究中以獲得定量結果。


Abstract This essay is using spectral analysis to analyze characteristics of the fluctuation, which are included the frequency of interference, period and the intensity of interference of the groundwater level at groundwater well stations along the cost at Chou-shui River. The data is sampling from Water Conservancy Agency, Ministr of Economic Affairs, each three-month hourly data of each ground water stations. The location of groundwater well are distributed around the downstream area of Chou-Shui River. In the north of the Chou-Shui River, the ground water station of Gan –yuan 2, Han –bao 2, Tan-qian 2, and Xi-gang 2 are compared with Fang-yuan 2.In the south of the Chou-Shui River, the ground water station of An-nan2, Hai-yuan 2, Hou-an2, Lun-zi2 are compared with Bo-zi 2. The results are shown that the bigger of the period of the fluctuation are not change easily.And the smaller of the period of the fluctuation are higher or bias. The diurnal, semi-diurnal, third-diurnal, quarter-diurnal, and six-diurnal fluctuant components of each ground water station are similar to the fluctuant components of the which their are compared with. Those are because of the oneness, structural, and tides of the groundwater phreatic level’s degree of dankness and transit ability. The results also indicated that the correlation between each groundwater well station by using spectral analysis. And get the quantification of Time-Lag of each groundwater level and Time-different of the groundwater level change.


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