  • 學位論文


Monitoring of Electric Consumption Pattern Using RS-232 Serial Port

指導教授 : 洪穎怡


摘要 由於電力需求持續快速成長,電力備載不足所導致之限電危機,已經是國人揮不去之夢魘,而國外電業自由化、民營化的潮流終將影響我國並為電業帶來新的風貌,因此台灣地區之能源使用效率以及生產力之提昇,非得朝向整合性發展不可,期望能從整體效益提昇來發揮最大的省能效益,最終能達成以電力運用技術系統整合為導向, 建立本土化、自主性之系統控制與管理技術,以提高能源使用效率,並使相關研發成果成為公用化與產品化。 因此本論文所涉獵的內容,函蓋整體電能管理網路建立之技術整合,例如自動讀表及電力監控等實體與技術研究課題,根據以往各學術研究單位所發展之現有自動讀錶系統所累積之成果與經驗外,本論文亦持續進行自動讀表技術之研究,主要研究工作有開發自動讀表系統模組及系統軟體開發,並與網際網路整合。 關鍵字(詞):電力監控、自動讀表、網際網路。


Abstract Because the electrical demand is unpredictably large, the crisis of power cut for lack of power capacity is an unavoidable nightmare to people in Taiwan. On the other hand, the liberalization of power businesses in foreign countries will inevitably leads to great impact upon those in Taiwan. Therefore, the electrical power policy in our country should put an emphasis on the integrated development of energy efficiency and productivity; in other words, the profit quality should be upgraded by creating the energy-saving efficiency. As a result, it is expected to build localized and self-contained technology in regard to power system controlling and management, for the purpose of increasing power efficiency and publicizing the relevant accomplishments in research and development in this field. This thesis refers to the integration of the technology on building the whole power and energy management network, for instance the "Automatic Reading Meter" and Power Monitoring Technology. According to the current development of Automatic Reading Meter system studied by various academic communities for the past years, this thesis continues the study of the system mainly on Automatic Reading Meter system, exploit the software system, and to access the internet. Key word:Power Monitoring Technology, Automatic Reading Meter, Internet


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