  • 學位論文

遷移的身體 . 思想的漫遊—以席德進之旅行繪畫為例

The Migrating Body ‧ the Wondering Thought:by the Travel Drawing by the Shiy De-Jinn

指導教授 : 陳其澎


本文以藝術家席德進(1923-81)為研究對象,主要研究範圍是以一個歷經戰亂、異動漂泊的旅人之思維,探討旅行中移動的身體遇上異地文化的衝擊時對藝術家的美學思潮與心境轉變之影響。十四世紀中葉著名的人文主義之父佩脫拉克(Petrarch Francesco)曾回顧:「直到現在為止,〔我的〕一生經常是在漂泊的狀態下渡過。」;法國詩人波特萊爾 (C. Baudelaire)也說過:「移動一直讓我的靈魂引以為樂…」,經由遷移、漫遊等人類因應自然或政治環境變遷等原始的本能中,找尋藝術家歷經戰亂流亡等顛沛流離之後展轉到台灣又為探索藝術新知而漂洋過海走訪世界藝術之都,其中思維如何在身體的遷移中與異地文化衝擊後轉換為對台灣這塊土地的認同之牽引線。 旅行遷移中的身體與異地文化的交會下,一種從內到外→由外入內;從簡到奢→由奢入簡的內省中,席德進經由中西方藝術交會的衝擊中找到了傳統藝術被忽略的問題,終能在60年代崇尚西方藝術的環境中找到本土藝術的新方向,其影響促使居住在台灣島上的兩千三百萬人自覺的反省力。 本研究希望能從席德進的文字著作與相關學者的評論中以及藝術作品探尋旅行中的身體與其漫遊路徑對藝術家繪畫思維轉化之影響,進而找出藝術家因身體遷移的過程中探討 — 1. 藝術家如何在面臨西方藝術衝擊後其繪畫創作之轉化,而在現代藝術潮流中找到本土藝術的新方向。 2. 藝術家如何在台灣民間藝術以及古建築中所扮演的新時代舵手。 3. 藝術家為何對台灣有著如同母親情感擬化的深刻描繪以及如何以行動表達對這塊土地的愛與認同。


漫遊者 遷移身體 旅行 異地文化


This study is focused on an artist Shiy De-Jinn (1923-81) and the study range covers the wanderer torn by war and his concept transfer when drifting from place to place. The influences brought by the travelling figure encountering cultural shock in strange places are discussed. This kind of experience could influence the artist’s aesthetic concepts and transfer his mind. Petrarch Francesco, the famous ‘father of humanist’ in the middle of the fourteenth century, had ever said,” till this moment, [my] life has been in a drifting manner all the time”. C. Baudelaire also said, “travelling always makes my soul joyful”. Through moving and wandering these human activities responsive to natural or political environmental changes, some kind of primitive instincts, the artist’s concept transfer and the link to land recognition have been pursued. The artist suffered in harsh wartime and wandered to Taiwan, then for pursuing new knowledge about art, he went abroad to visit several world-class cities of art. How did his concepts change during that period of his body movement? How did his land recognition to Taiwan transfer after having a culture shock in strange countries? During travelling, when the body encountered a strange culture, a reflection emerged from inside to outside and from outside to inside; from simplicity to complication and from complication to simplicity. With the impact given by the mix of Chinese and the western art, Shiy De-Jinn found those neglected problems of traditional art. Then a new direction for Taiwanese local art was guided despite of in the 70’s overpowering environment created by western art. Shiy De-Jinn further influenced the twenty-three million people throughout Taiwan to have a self-awareness reflection. From Shiy De-Jinn’s text works and other relevant scholars’ comments and art works, the influence created by travelling and wandering paths on the artist’s concept transfer and further on his painting has been explored. Also some topics are discussed: 1.How did the artist deal with the transition of his works when encountering the impact of western art? How did he find a new direction for domestic art? 2.In civilian art and ancient architecture, the role of new age helmsman is played. 3.Why did the artist illustrate his recognition to the land in Taiwan as the description of affections to his mother? How did he put his love and recognition to the land into action?


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24. 廖新田,《近鄉情怯:台灣近現代視覺藝術發展中本土意識的三種面貌》,《文化研究》Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies。觀看。第2期。文化研究學 會:2006.3.31:PP.167-209。
