  • 學位論文

海外回任人員回任後之適應問題探討 ──以M銀行為例

The Repatriation Adjustment of Repatriate -an Empirical Study of M Bank

指導教授 : 黃子玲


許多企業認為既然是回任,就是回到自己的家庭和國家,在環境上的變化不大,不會有什麼樣的適應問題,因此企業不願意多花金錢和精神用在協助已經「回家」的人員身上。然而回任適應並不是那麼的容易。 就人力資源的管理來說,跨國公司大幅擴增了對海外的投資,帶來跨國性的勞動力移動,公司除了全球化的管理政策以外,具有全球競爭力的管理者更是跨國公司全球化策略成功的重要因素。因大幅對外投資,帶動了外派人員的增加和管理上的議題,而一個完整的外派工作,是包括了回任的適應。過去的研究,對外派的部分有了非常多的探討,但對於回任人員的研究和調查並不如針對外派人員所做的研究來的廣泛。因此,本研究從回任人員的部分來探討結束外派工作後回到母國的回任人員,從個人因素、公司方案以及外派經驗等方向,探討影響回任適應因素間的關係。 本研究透過問卷調查的方式,針對國內一家大型銀行內,有外派經驗且現在國內分行任職的員工為主要問卷填答對象,回收有效問卷共60份,利用spss主成分分析法和迴歸分析為分析工具,研究結果顯示了在薪資收入、學經歷和派駐地區項下對回任適應的相關性呈不顯著效果,在年齡、家庭狀況、回任協助方案和外派經驗項下對回任適應是呈現顯著的相關性。 外派經驗是否影響回任適應的文章是極少數的,其中又以外派經驗和組織績效和組織承諾等關係為主。所以,本研究加入了外派經驗的變數,而結果也支持了假設。


Many enterprises think that repatriation means to return to one's own country and family. Thus, the environment is so familiar that there's no problem getting used to it. The enterprises are not willing to spend more money and time in the repatriation who is "back home". However, the repatriation adjustment is not easy. On the human resources management, the global company increases overseas investment substantially, which brings a migration of transnational labor. Besides global administration policy, the important factor of the success of a global company is to have competitive managers because to invest overseas substantially brings the increase of expatriates and management issues. This is a case study of a bank in Taiwan. The employees are surveyed by questionnaire who had expatriation experiences and are working in domestic branches. It shows that the correlation is not apparent among income, education, working experiences, detachment areas and repatriation adjustment, but is among age, family situation, repatriation policy and detachment experiences.


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