  • 學位論文


A study of Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction on the Math Performance of Junior High School Students In Resource Room-the example of positive and negative numbers.

指導教授 : 趙本強


本研究旨在探討電腦輔助教學應用在國中資源班學生數學學習成效之研究。研究主要採單一受試法之跨受試多探試實驗設計,以研究者自行設計之「正、負數的認識與整數加減」之電腦輔助教學 (CAI) 軟體進行實驗性研究。研究對象為三名國中資源班學生,其中兩位分別被鑑定為學習及智能障礙,另一位則為學習低成就學生。本研究的主要研究目的係探討三位研究對象於接受電腦輔助教學軟體的教導後,其對數學正、負數概念之學習的成效與保留效果。此外,本研究亦透過「數學學習態度量表」及「電腦輔助教學使用態度調查表」的使用,以評估受試者在接受電腦輔助教學前與教學後,其對數學學習態度之轉變,及對電腦輔助教學融入數學科學習之看法。最後,本研究亦蒐集任課教師的質性訪談資料以更客觀的評估電腦輔助教學的教學成效。本研究之電腦輔助教學軟體係以教學篇、練習篇及遊戲篇三個主題來呈現。每個主題分成認識負數、認識數線、數的大小及整數加減四個單元。實驗進行的方式由教學者操作教學篇,再由受試者自行操作練習篇及遊戲篇,藉由受試者自行操作的過程來增進學習興趣與學習效果。整個教學共進行四週。 本研究透過視覺分析、C統計分析、簡易統計分析及任課教師訪談分析等方法來分析所蒐集之資料。研究結果顯示,電腦輔助教學的確能提升學生數學的學習成效,而於撤除教學介入後,學生亦能適當地保留習得的知識。此外,研究結果亦顯示,學生在數學方面的學習態度轉趨正向且積極。最後,本文提供相關建議供未來研究者於執行研究及編製軟體時參考。


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a computer-assisted instruction (CAI) on learning math number concepts of junior high school students receiving special education services in resource room. A single subject design using multiple-probe across students method was conducted to evaluate student progress across research. The CAI program developed in this study was aimed at teaching students to understand the concepts of positive and negative numbers and to be able to do addition and subtraction. Subjects in this study were three junior high school students. Two were identified as having learning disabilities and intellectual disabilities respectively, whereas the other one was a low-achieving student in math. In addition to examining students’ progress on learning and maintaining learned math skills, the study also intended to investigate students’ attitudes toward using CAI approach to learn math. Interviews with teachers of the subjects were also conducted in this study in order to evaluate the effects of CAI more accurately. The CAI program used in this study consisted of three phases: instruction phase, practice phase, and game phase. Each phase was divided into four units including understanding negative numbers, understanding number line, number magnitude as well as addition and subtraction of integers. During research, the researcher first modeled the use of the software in the instruction phase, and then students were encouraged to follow the researcher’s instruction and to solve questions by self. The entire research was conducted for four weeks. Quantitative data collected in this study were analyzed using visual analysis and Tryon’s C statistic methods. Qualitative data collected form interviews with teachers were analyzed using transcript analysis method. Findings showed that the CAI intervention indeed can help students better understand the concepts of numbers and improve their skills on attacking problems associated with negative numbers. Additionally, all students were able to maintain the learned skills appropriately after the removal of the intervention. On the other hand, the study also detected that students show positive attitudes toward learning math by using CAI method. Lastly, study provided implications and suggestions for prospective researchers and teachers.


