  • 學位論文


Collaborative Pricing Inventory Models for Perishable Items under Permissible Delay in Payment

指導教授 : 黃惠民


隨著經濟的快速成長,高科技的進步,產品生命週期越來越短,使得市場上的競爭越來越激烈,為了滿足市場上的需求,如何有效的控制存貨對企業而言是很重要的。然而,近期隨著原物料短缺、物價上漲,導致企業之經營成本提高,如何有效降低成本、提高利潤,已是企業能否永續發展的重要課題。 在本研究中,發展一個考量單一製造商與單一零售商的存貨系統,商品具有損耗之特性,以致於商品損壞造成缺貨問題之發生,而目標在於得到最大化之總利潤。為了補償零售商之缺貨損失,因此,製造商提供給零售商延遲付款期限之策略,而此策略並非能夠使整體供應鏈成員互蒙其利,因而加入協商因子來平均分享雙方之利潤,以達到雙贏之效果。而本存貨系統在有限的補貨率和價格敏感需求的情況下,並設定為高科技、生命週期短和損耗性的商品。最後經由數值範例分析、敏感度分析,以了解各個參數對本模式之影響,並做出結論。


In this study, we develop a collaborative inventory system consisting of one vendor and one buyer. The objective is to maximize the total profit of the whole system when shortage caused by the imperfect quality can be completely backordered. To compensate the buyer’s shortage loss, the vendor allows delay in the buyer’s payment. Although such an incentive policy is reasonable in the collaborative system, the optimal solution of the whole system is not always beneficial to all players. To ensure mutual benefit to every player, a negotiation mechanism is incorporated to share the profit between both players according to their contribution. A perishable inventory system with finite replenishment rate and price sensitive demand is set to simulate a real situation of the high-tech, short life cycle and perishable fashion product. A numerical example and sensitivity analysis are carried out to illustrate the model.


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