  • 學位論文


Transhipment Inventory Model between Retailers

指導教授 : 黃惠民


對於任何企業,在面對競爭激烈的市場,要如何滿足顧客的需求是非常重要的課題之一,然而,顧客的需求不會永遠一成不變,顧客自己擁有購買產品與否的權力,因此,根據過去的歷史資料來預測未來的需求,或是假設需求固定不變,都難以完全符合現實的情況。有鑑於此,許多學者針對需求變動的存貨模式進行研究探討,並且考量的需求函數越來越趨於複雜,其數學模式的推導亦越來越困難。 而在產品的運送過程中,有太多因素會造成產品無法在固定的前置時間內送達,造成前置時間不穩定的要素眾多,難以一一探討,因此,部份學者在考量前置時間上,均假設一固定的數值,來簡化其模式的困難性。 本研究主要是延伸Kleijnen and Wan(2007)的存貨模式,加入檢視週期R和零售商之間的轉運量Qr兩個因子,並考量符合現實情況的需求和前置時間,藉由系統模擬技術,以(R, s, S)和(s, S, Qr)兩種訂購策略,期望找出在滿足預設服務水準下,系統長期平均的最小總成本。


In a highly competitive market, it is very important for any business to satisfy customer demand. However, customer demand is always changing; customers may vary their orders from time to time. Therefore, it’s difficult to forecast demand using past data. In view of this, many scholars focus their research on inventory model under variable demand. The consideration of varying demand tends to make the inventory model more complex and difficult to solve mathematically. There are many factors that influence product lead-times, and it makes order planning more difficult. To simplify the model, many scholars assume constant lead-time. In this study, we assume uncertain demand and lead-time. Due to the complex model, we use simulation to solve the problem using two ordering policies: (R, s, S) and (s, S, Qr).


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