  • 學位論文


A semantic evaluation of news article for enterprise marketing competitive intelligence development

指導教授 : 戚玉樑


面對現代商業環境瞬息萬變的營運問題,企業除了解決本身內部問題外,競爭對手的狀態也是影響決策的因素之一。隨著網路與傳媒科技的發展,競爭對手的資訊通常會透過網路的方式傳播,因此如何針對企業現況即時掌握對手的網路資訊,並透過適當的方式進行分析運用,將是企業必須關注的重要議題。本研究將利用知識本體結合語意規則,發展評估新聞事件的競爭智慧系統,主要分為三個部分: (1)文件收集:由於供應鏈體系為當前企業經營的常態,因此以供應鏈體系的相關企業作為收集的對象。(2)內文分析:傳統的文字探勘技術通常以收集到的文件分群,再分別給予群體命名,這種方式從收集到的文件進行文件間相關程度的判斷,與各部門職務並不一定有關係,因此本研究透過領域專家建立職務概念的詞彙庫,評估內文與各部門的關係。(3) 配送與整合:透過語意規則分送相關的訊息給適當的對象,另外對決策者而言,利用事前的知識架構,整合相關部門的意見協助決策下達。本研究所提出的競爭智慧系統,可以透過使用者輸入適當實例後,以自動化的方式將與企業相關之新聞事件正確的遞送至相關部門並提供與部門相呼應的競爭智慧,除此也將各部門的資訊匯整給公司決策者,達到節省分析與解析新聞的人力成本,並藉由知識本體可達到知識共享的目的。


In today's global market, enterprises to solve their internal problems, in addition, the state of competition is one factor affect decision-making. By the internet is on progress, businesses can get competitor’s information easily. So, the enterprise must pay attention to the important subject that how to obtain real-time competitor network information and analysis of enterprise departments related news through effective process. This study collected real-time news about competitors and delivered to the various departments after analysis the related news. This design has three parts includes (1)Data collection:The competition among businesses is changed into team competition. Data collection is designed to obtain competitor enterprise of supply chain members' news articles from the Internet. (2)Document condensation:In the past document cluster through their experts will be the cluster name. The results of the cluster not necessarily related to enterprise various departments' business functions. An effective way of text analysis is to narrow the interpretative scope to limited topics. To comprehend the text, domain knowledge is an essential basis to identify primary concepts in corpus linguistic. Through analysis the primary concepts to sure the document is includes various business functions. (3) Intelligence delivery: Intelligence delivery can delivered documents to the appropriate departments through the semantic rules according to different combinations of departments and business functions. In this study, the competitive intelligence system can automate and accurate delivery of intelligence to the relevant departments. Achieve savings in the process of analysis and delivery costs.


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