  • 學位論文


SentiOntology: An ontology-based sentiment referring system

指導教授 : 洪智力




With the rapid growth of available subjective text on the internet, the sentiment classification concerns the use of automatic methods for predicting the orientation of subjective content on electronic documents lead to an important opinion mining research issues. Based on the quantitative analysis of WordNet database where each term is associated with numerical scores indicating positive and negative sentiment information, SentiWordNet has become a public and popular lexical resource. Although SentiWordNet is useful to give words sentiment values and tendencies, it suffers from the feature of general purpose. For example, the sentiment score of the word of "Terror" is different between comedy and horror films. The main reason is different linguistic levels (words, sentences and documents) rely on corpus-based and lexicon-based methods in sentiment classification. Therefore, this study developed an Ontology-Based sentiment inference method which synthesized the positive, negative words extacted from SentiWordNet sentiment dictionary, and corrected the vocabulary scores errors in the different categories by revised sentiment value and tendency for objective words in SentiWordNet based on assessment of the co-relevance of each objective word and its associated sentiment sentences to sentiment classification automatically.


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