  • 學位論文


Realization of watchstrap type of the cuff-less blood pressure measurement device

指導教授 : 徐良育


在臨床上,侵入性血壓量測的準確度很高卻無法在一般例行檢查中進行。而非侵入式血壓量測可應用於一般檢查或者是應用在居家照護中,但是市售的非侵入式血壓計因為需要搭配充氣的幫浦以及壓脈袋所以都有體積過大無法隨身攜帶以及充氣幫浦造成使用者不適的問題。因此,本研究改進先前所建構的無氣囊血壓量測裝置,設計成錶帶式血壓量測裝置,以方便使用者攜帶,並提高其準確性。本系統主要是以C8051F321控制晶片進行訊號的處理以及系統的控制和運算。整體架構包含了:血壓量測系統以及周邊顯示裝置。在訊號處理方面,將三次量測所得到的資料進行特徵值抓取並且排序,然後再利用多項式擬合對排序之後的序列進行擬合,最後再計算出收縮壓及舒張壓。 本研究針對11名正常年輕自願受測者利用本研究所研發的無氣囊錶帶式血壓量測裝置進行血壓量測,並與市售血壓計(WatchBP office AFIB, microlife)量測結果和Matlab離線處理結果進行比對。發現本系統所算出的收縮壓和舒張壓與市售血壓計所量測出來的值比較都有明顯的差異(P<0.05),而與Matlab 離線處理的收縮壓結果比較沒有統計上的顯著差異(P>0.05),舒張壓的結果則有明顯的差異(P<0.05)。 本研究所建構的錶帶式無氣囊血壓量測裝置在使用上不會造成使用者的不適,也解決了體積過大攜帶不便的問題。研究發現如果能有效提升特徵點抓取就能提升準確度,在使用時便可提供可靠的血壓量測。


In clinical, invasive blood pressure measurement is a highly accurate method, but it can’t be used in home-care. The non-invasive blood pressure measurement can be used in home-care and routine examination. However, the measurement device is too large to be easily carry around because of the air pump and the cuff. Additionally, user is uncomfortable during measurement due to the high air pressure generated by the air pump. For these reasons, this study purposes to upgrade the previously constructed cuff-less blood pressure measurement device to improve its accuracy, and design a watchstrap type cuff-less blood pressure measurement device. The proposed system uses a micro-controller, C8051F321, to process signal, calculate parameters and control peripheral devices. The system includes blood pressure measurement hardware and peripheral display devices. In signal processing, the blood pressure signal is acquired by three continuous measurements. The characteristic values are obtained searched from the signal and then sorted. Then, the systolic and diastolic pressures are calculated using polynomial fitting. In this study, blood pressure readings were obtained from 11 young volunteers using the proposed system, using Matlab and using electric sphygmomanometer (WatchBP office AFIB, microlife). The t-test results indicate that systolic and diastolic pressures obtain from the proposed system and from electric sphygmomanometer were significant difference (P<0.05). There is no significant difference (P>0.05) between the propose system and the Matlab in systolic pressures. However, there is significant difference (P<0.05) in diastolic pressures. This study purposes to construct a watchstrap type of the cuff-less blood pressure measurement device that it’s easy carry and it doesn’t cause uncomfortable during measurement. It’s found that we can increase the accuracy by obtaining the characteristic values more accurately and then we provide a reliable blood pressure measurement in practical application.


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