  • 學位論文

8年級生的人格特質與工作價值觀之關連性研究 —以中原大學企業管理學系大學生為例

The Research of Relationship among Personality and Work Values of Eighth Grader-Example of Chung Yuan Christian University of Business Administration Students

指導教授 : 王如鈺


新世代的管理議題正在全球漫延,儘管8年級生從2013年才開始正式踏入職場,但對整體就業市場而言,8年級生的就業比重將逐年增加,新世代不僅在思維上有許多新的想法,在管理溝通上是否不能適應傳統的框架式管理?對於所追求的工作成就感,是否與過往世代相似?在面對新世代的加入,該如何從招募選才階段開始,尋找對的人上車,正是現今企業即將面臨的新議題。 本研究主要是探討8年生的人格特質及工作價值觀的現況及其二者間的相互關連性,藉此推測對工作績效之可能影響。 本研究以中原大學企業管理學系大學生為問卷發放對象,共發出240 份問卷,回收215份,扣除7份未填寫完整之無效問卷後,總計共有208 份有效之問卷,有效問卷208份,回收率為86.67%。 本研究結果發現: 1.8年級生的「人格特質」中以謹慎性最為顯著,而神經質為最不顯著。 2.8年級生的「工作價值觀」中以社會互動取向最為顯著,而安定與免於焦慮取向為最不顯著。 3.8年級生的「人格特質」與「工作價值觀」二者間具有顯著影響,部份成立。 4.五大人格特質指標中,「外向性」是唯一對工作價值觀的六項指標,均無顯著之影響。


The managerial issues of the new generation are increasingly wide spread all over the world. Although the young people of 1991-2000 generation have been devoted themselves to their career since 2013, they are playing an important role with more and more portions in the market. There are plenty of new ideas in questions whether they can not adapt to the traditional frame work of management. Is it similar to the old generation in pursuing sense of achievement? Facing the circumstance new generation of human resource into the market, how can the enterprise starts from the very first stage: talent requisition to recruit the right person at the right time in the right place is becoming a new controversial issue faced by enterprises. This study of 1991-2000 generation intends to explore the relationship between personalities, adhere to this research is to evaluate the above which is possible to affect the job performance. This research targeted the students of Chung Yuan Christian University of Business Administration as informants for questionnaire. There were a total of 240 questionnaires issued to be deducted 7 invalid with 208 valid returned. The returned rate is up to 86.67%. The main findings of this research are: 1.The most significant personality of the 1991-2000 generation is Conscientiousness while Neuroticism is the least. 2.The most significant work value of the 1991-2000 generation is Social Interaction while Stability and Anxiety are the least. 3.Among 1991-2000 generation, the relevance of personality and work values is partially proven to be positive. 4.Among the five personalities indexes, Extraversion is the only one that is proven negative effect to all the six indexes of work values.


48.黃煜凱,2009,3C 商品銷售人員工作價值觀與工作績效關係之研究,成功大學企業管理學系碩士論文。


