  • 學位論文


The Research of Relationship Norms and Perceived Fairness

指導教授 : 張心馨


「關係行銷」是商家持續性競爭的優勢關鍵來源,且逐漸受到學術界之重視。過去服務提供者多探討如何提升品質,以及如何用服務換取較高的顧客滿意度,但較少論及企業與顧客關係之間的友誼互動。而本研究則為補強此一研討缺口,著重探討當顧客面對不公平的情況下,企業─顧客之關係型態不同,是否會影響顧客之知覺價格公平性、顧客滿意度、購買意願、負面情緒(憤怒、沮喪)等等,由此諸多面向,去深度探討關係行銷的更多可能。 本研究結果顯示,當顧客得知商家提供給其他客人之產品/服務/價格相較 於自己優惠時:(一)共有型顧客的知覺價格公平性、滿意度、購買意願顯著低於交換型顧客;(二)共有型顧客相較於交換型顧客,會產生顯著較高的憤怒以及沮喪情緒。本文最後提出相關研究建議、行銷意涵與未來研究方向。


Relationship marketing has become a key success factor of business, and is highly valued in academia. In the past, service providers investigate how to improve service quality and to increase higher customer satisfaction. However, fewer research explores the interaction relationship between businesses and customers. The research focuses on examining the effect of relationship norms on perceived price fairness, customer satisfaction, purchase intention, and negative emotions. The results show that when the same product with higher price, (1) communal relationship customers’ price fairness, customer satisfaction, and purchase intention may significant lower than exchange relationship customers; (2) communal relationship customers’ negative emotion, including anger and sadness may significant higher than exchange relationship customers. Finally, general discussion, marketing implication, and future research directions are also proposed.


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