  • 學位論文


A Study on the Factors of Consumers’ Online Purchase Intention - The Moderating Effect of Source Credibility

指導教授 : 王如鈺


隨著網路購物發展越來越快速,大家上網購買的頻率也在增高消費者也越來越多,可以看出網路這塊市場消費金額在增加。在網購衣服的部分,由於消費者看不到實體只能從賣家提供的照片來去評斷商品,在呈現的照片中模特兒如何去吸引消費者的目光進而影響購買意願。   本研究的目的是在探討消費者特性和網路購物經驗,對於網路購買服飾購買意願的影響,其中加入訊息來源可信度作為干擾因素。分別就網購服飾、網路消費者特性、網路購物經驗、訊息來源可信度、負面訊息和購買意願的文獻, 並將訊息來源可信度區分為高低做實驗設計,本研究實驗採用2x3因子實驗設計。本研究研究結果如下: 一、 人口變項中的教育程度、平均月收入、職業、性別對購買意願有顯著的影響,在訊息來源可信度會干擾人口變項對購買意願的影響中,當年齡與可靠性的交互作用對購買意願是有影響的,當可靠性高時,30歲以下的人會提高購買意願,相對地當可靠性低時,30歲以下的人會降低購買意願。 二、 網路購物經驗中的購買年資和購買時間間隔會影響購買意願,人口變項中的年齡、教育程度、平均月收入、性別、職業對網路購物經驗有顯著的影響,在訊息來源可信度與網路購物經驗的交互作用下,對購買意願的影響不顯著。   根據上述的可以得知,消費者會被訊息來源可信度中的可靠性高低所影響,在專業性和吸引力反而不會影響,因此廠商要著重於尋找高可靠性的模特兒,用以達到最大的效益。


With the development of online shopping getting faster and faster, the frequency of online purchases and the number of online shopping consumers keep increasing, which shows that the money spent on the online market will only get higher with time. In terms of online clothes shopping, as the consumers cannot see the real products, they can only judge the products from the photos provided by the sellers. Therefore, how well the models in the photos can attract the attentions of consumers will affect their purchase intention.   The purpose of this study is to explore the impacts that the characteristics of consumers and the experiences of online shopping have on purchase intention of the consumers, with the source credibility being added as an interference factor. This study illustrates the characteristics of consumers who purchase clothes online, the experiences of online shopping the source credibility, the negative messages, and the literatures of purchase intention. Furthermore, the source credibility was divided into the degrees of high and low for the design of experiments. This study adopted the 2x3 factorial experiment design.   In conclusion, the trustworthiness of source credibility has an effect on the consumers, whereas the expertness and the attractiveness do not. Therefore, the vendors should focus on seeking models of high trustworthiness, so as to achieve the greatest benefits.


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