  • 學位論文


The Construction of TSMC Forecasting Model Using Artificial Neural Network

指導教授 : 李維平 賴錦慧


從股票市場的個股文獻來看,過去研究當中多藉由單一面向指標,例如技術面、籌碼或國外相關指數等。別人的研究較不完整,多使用單一面向或兩個面向指標,尚無整合全部這三個面向,因此本研究嘗試使用全盤性的指標,透過技術面指標、法人投資的籌碼面指標及國際市場脈動的國外相關指數,使用類神經網路建構出合宜的模型,期望得到更好的預測結果。 本研究對象為台灣龍頭半導體股票-台積電,研究期間為2015年1月1日至2016年12月31日,以日為計算,訓練期為一年半,測試期則設定為半年。研究目標是透過整合後的指標,使用類神經網路中的倒傳遞類神經網路(Back Propagation Neural Network)方法進行預測。 從指標的選取進行的實驗後,其實證結果如下: 一、經過本研究建立的最佳模型發現,整合性指標影響其股票市場的漲跌預測較為準確。 二、整合性的指標組合,所注意的各面向較完整,因此得到的預測準確度是較佳的。


According to the past studies of stock market, more stock market studies were conducted based on single indicator such as technical side, chip analysis, or foreign equity -linked. These studies are less complete since only one or two indicators were used; no studies have integrated the three indicators. Thus, this study takes all the three indicators (technical indicators, corporate investment chips, and international market pulsating foreign correlation index) and uses “neural network” to build a more suitable model that is expected to achieve better predications. The target of this research is TSMC, Taiwan’s leading semiconductor stock, and the research period is from January 1 2015 to December 31 2016. On a daily basis, the training period is one and a half years, and the test period is half year. The goal of the study is to predict stock prices using “back propagation neural network” model through the integrated indexes. After the experiment with the selection of the indexes, the empirical results are as follows: First, with the best model built, the integration of indicators can provide more accurate predictions of stock prices. Second, the integrated indicators cover more complete aspects so the prediction accuracy is better.


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