  • 學位論文


An Investigation of Foreign Worker Accommodation Management

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


自1980年代中期開始,台灣的勞動力需求快速增加,勞動成本上升,而原本最為充沛的勞動力也相對反轉為不足(吳惠林、王素彎,2001)。當時,因經濟起飛產業蓬勃發展,導致低階藍領勞力短缺,進而於1992年開放引進外籍勞工,以補充不足之勞動力,開放至今已逾二十五載。初期政府嚴格限制,並嚴謹就業服務法第四十二條規範下,以保障國民工作權益為前提,採補充性人力為原則,進行總量管制。惟引進人數持續成長,僅在2000-2008年在政府控制下,成長幅度較趨緩和。而近年來景氣復甦,國內對人力的需求大增,外籍勞工人數急速上升,至今外籍勞工在台人數已超過六十四萬人,並有增加的趨勢。其中,產業外籍勞工就高達四十萬人以上,相對的,其住宿需求就顯得非常重要。早期外籍勞工來台住宿的部份,雇主大多設置於廠區內,主要方便上下班及管理,但長時間在大環境的轉變下,及雇主因增購設備導致廠房作業面積不敷使用,或其管理階層人力不足,而無法妥善管理等因素,漸漸將外籍勞工在下班後的「住宿與生活管理」,委託仲介公司負責。據此,如何能妥善照顧外籍勞工在台的「住宿與生活管理」的相關問題,是值得研究與探討。 本研究以個案研究法進行,選取訪談對象,皆具有相關事務豐富的經歷,而本研究第一步驟,希望透過受訪者的專業知識與長時間實務累積,對於外籍勞工之「住宿與生活管理」層面上,於「外國人生活照顧服務計劃書」(簡稱生照書)之架構下,管理人員對於訪視人員訪察的過程中,提供其寶貴的案例分享與見解。外籍勞工入境台灣後,除工作場所外,「宿舍」是最基本提供其休憩之場所,而由宿舍所延伸出「生活管理」的各個層面,尚有廣泛議題可以討論。故本研究第二步驟,希望經生照書規範後,就法規與雇主的管理責任而言,還有哪些可以補充? 藉此來蒐集專家精闢的看法與建議後,經整理、歸納、分析、彙整,所得結論,能提供雇主與相關管理階層,於往後制訂「住宿及生活管理」的規範與措施時給與參酌。


Since the mid-1980s, the demand for labor force in Taiwan is increasing rapidly, the cost of labor force goes up, and the original most abundant labor force is also relatively insufficient (Wu & Wang Suwan, 2001). At that time, the rapid development of the economy lead to the shortage of low-level blue-collar labor, so in 1992, foreign workers were introduced to supplement the insufficient labor force, it has been opening up for over twenty-five years. At the early stage, the government strictly controlled, and seriously observed the regulation 42 of the employment service law, based on guaranteeing the citizens’ work rights, took abundant manpower as the principle and conducted total quantity control. The number of people introduced continued to increase, under the control of the government in 2000-2008, the growth rate slowed down. However, in recent years, the economy has recovered, domestic demand for manpower has increased significantly, the number of foreign labor force goes up fast, till now, the number of foreign labor force in Taiwan tends to increase. Among them, the number of foreign workers in the industry reaches up to 400,000, relatively, the demand for accommodation is very important. In early times, for foreign workers who came to Taiwan to stay , most of the employers were located in the factory area, which was mainly convenient for commuting and management, however, factors such as the transformation of the political and economic environment for a long time, the factory working space not enough for use due to purchasing equipment, or insufficient management manpower unable to properly manage, gradually the agency is entrusted with the responsibility for the accommodation and living management of foreign workers after work. Based on this, it is worth studying and discussing the related problems of how to properly conduct residential and living management of foreign workers in Taiwan. This study adopts a case-study approach and selects interviewees who have rich experience in related matters, and for the first step of this study, it is hoped that through the interviewee’s professional knowledge and long-term practice accumulation, as for the accommodation and living management level for foreign workers, the framework of the plan of foreigners’ life care service (abbreviated as life care plan), managers provide valuable cases sharing and insights during visits. After foreign workers enter Taiwan, except the working site, the dormitory is the most basic place to provide a rest; there are still a wide range of issues that can be discussed at every level of living management extended from the dormitory. So for the second step of this study, it is hoped that through regulating life care plan, what else can be added to regulations and employers’ management responsibilities? After collecting experts’ incisive views and suggestions, they are collated, summarized, analyzed, and aggregated, the conclusions obtained can provide employers and related management layers with references to formulate regulations and measures for accommodation and living management in future.


