  • 學位論文


Investigation of General Education Teachers’ Distress in the Inclusive Classroom at Elementary Schools

指導教授 : 趙本強


本研究旨在了解國小普通班教師在融合教育實施中教學困擾之現況,並進一步分析不同背景變項間的差異情形。本研究以立意取樣的方式,以自編之「國小普通班教師在融合教育實施中教學困擾之研究調查問卷」進行問卷調查,以任職於公立國民小學之普通班教師為研究對象,取得有效問卷數377份,有效問卷回收率為99.47%。問卷調查所得之資料以描述性統計、t考驗及單因子變異數分析進行資料分析。本研究結果歸納如下: 1.國小普通班教師在融合教育中整體教學困擾的情形為中等偏低程度,以「專業知能」層面的教學困擾程度最高,而在「支援系統」層面的教學困擾程度最低。 2.不同教學年資之國小普通班教師在融合教育中整體教學困擾情形達顯著差異,其中教學年資5年(含)以下之教師在「專業知能」、「課程教學」、「班級經營」三層面之教學困擾程度皆明顯高於教學年資16年以上之教師;資淺教師教學經歷不足,因此在教學中面臨較高程度的困擾。 3.不同教學經驗之國小普通班教師在融合教育中整體及各分向度教學困擾情形皆達顯著差異,首次教導身障生之教師在整體及各分向度的教學困擾程度皆顯著高於已有教導身障生之經驗的教師。 4.不同任教地區之國小普通班教師在「專業知能」及「班級經營」兩層面達顯著差異,中部地區之教師的教學困擾程度顯著低於其他地區之教師;取樣學校之規模、縣市文化等影響地方教師教學困擾之程度。 本研究依據上述研究結果,提出具體建議,以作為相關教育研究單位、教師與未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate general education teachers’ teaching distress in the inclusive classroom at elementary schools and to analyze the effects of teachers’ background variables on their teaching distress. The questionnaire of the study was designed by the researcher. By purposive sampling, there were 377 valid participants. The data of the questionnaire was analyzed in terms of descriptive statistics, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The major findings were as follows: 1.The degree of teaching distress of elementary general education teachers tended to be medium to low, and the highest distress came from “professional knowledge”, the lowest distress came from “supporting system.” 2.There were significant differences in years of teaching. Teachers had less than 5 year of teaching experiences had higher distress among “professional knowledge”, “curriculum and teaching” and “classroom management.” Junior teachers had less teaching experiences than the seniors so they had higher teaching distress. 3.There were significant differences in teaching experience. The less experienced teachers had higher teaching distress. 4.There were significant differences in teaching area. Teachers in the middle area of Taiwan had lower teaching distress in “professional knowledge” and “classroom management.” The size of sampling schools and local culture will be the factors of teachers’ teaching distress. Finally, based on the above findings, the researcher proposed suggestions and references for the administrative agencies, teachers, and the further researches.


