  • 學位論文


Retrieving Dropout Students: Exploring the System Collaboration in the Implementation of Intensive-Care Program with WISER Model

指導教授 : 杜淑芬


本研究旨在探討高關懷班相關輔導人員在學校系統中,運作高關懷班的工作內涵,以及遇到的合作困境與因應策略。本研究採質性研究取向,使用焦點團體訪談法,透過立意取樣邀請桃園市四所設有高關懷班的學校參與焦點訪談,如此共舉辦四場焦點訪談,共11人參加。訪談對象包括4名輔導行政人員、5名專輔教師與2位任課教師共11名,男性3位、女性8位,平均年齡42.3歲,平均任教年資13.6年。四所學校的運作時間均超過一年以上,最短2年,最長7年。資料分析部分則運用紮根取向的分析方式進行,並運用三角驗證法檢核信實度。本研究的主要結論如下: 一、高關懷班輔導人員發現透過多元生涯課程、成功學習經驗、修正性經驗,可以提升高關懷學生自我概念。故調整招募對象、外聘教師資格與規劃技藝課程,以發揮高關懷班中輟輔導與預防的功效。 二、高關懷班輔導團隊與學校合作困境,包括輔導成效壓力、雙重關係形成阻礙、教師缺乏輔導知能、處室本位主義強、任課教師班級經營差、輔導人力不足以及家長配合度低等困境。 三、在研究中發現輔導人員透過成功個案經驗、個人特質與信念,發展出面對困境時的具體因應策略,包括系統合作、自我調適、輔導室行銷、改變服務方式及連結校外社會資源等因應策略。 最後,研究者依據研究結論提出研究之建議,期待提供未來針對高關懷班輔導工作的相關研究參考。


This study aimed to explore the coping strategies, difficulties in school system collaboration, and the teachers’ duties and functions in operating an intensive-care program. The research adopted qualitative study approach that invited four groups of guidance staff with intensive-care programs’ experience from four junior high schools located in Taoyuan City, Taiwan. Eleven participants (8 females, 3 males) that included four school counseling administrators, five specialized counseling teachers, and two external teachers were interviewed by focus groups method. The participants were 42.3 year-old in average, with average teaching experience to be 13.6. The operating time for intensive-care program ranged from 2 to 7 years. A triangulation method was adopted to ensure the validity of this study. The results were concluded as follows: 1.The teachers in charge of intensive-care programs reported that highly-concerned students could have successful learning and corrective experience by participating diversified career courses; thus enhance their self-concept. To increase the efficiency of intensive-care programs, the teachers make the most by screening the participating students, improving the quality of external hired talented teachers, and mindfully preparing the content of career courses. 2.The intensive-care program team revealed collaborative difficulties in working with school systems included pressure of proving guidance efficacy, dealing with the negative influence of dual relationships, working with teachers with parochialism and without guidance knowledge, helping the external hired teachers whom lacked of classroom management skills, finding helpful team-members, and working with low-motivation parents. 3.The strategies that teachers developed to cope with their difficulties in operating the intensive-care program were a) self-adjusting and reminding him/her selves about the value and belief of being a teacher; b) being empathetic to the teachers’ questions, but finding compromising solutions; c) in-house marketing to the schools’ staff; d) self-nurturing through the successful experiences of helping dropout students; and e) linking other recourse to help with the students other than parents. Finally, the study made suggestions to guidance office, schools, and education system for operating an intensive-care program in school.


Masten, A. S. (2001). Ordinary magic: Resilience processes in development. American Psychologist, 56(3), 227-238.
