  • 學位論文


Board Interlocked and Corporate Governance Evaluation System

指導教授 : 廖益興


摘要   本研究探討我國上市櫃公司之董事連結對公司治理評鑑系統的關聯性,研究期間及研究對象為2014年至2017年之台灣受評鑑上市櫃公司。公司治理評鑑等級以證基會公布之評鑑結果,採量化(SCORE)方式分為1分至7分,分數越高,表示公司治理評鑑等級越好。董事連結以兩種方式衡量:(1)虛擬變數(DUMMY),具有董事連結之受評鑑公司為1,否則為0。(2)董事連結衡量方式為董事連結之人數比率,按其該公司具有董事連結之董監事人數除以總董監事人數。   ordered probit迴歸模型之實證結果顯示,董事連結對公司治理評鑑等級呈現正向顯著關係;換句話說,本研究結果表示具有董事連結的公司,其公司治理評鑑等級較好,亦可說明報導公司可透過董事連結,帶回良好的公司治理效應,以提升公司治理品質。


Abstract   This study examines the effect of the board interlocked on the corporate governance evaluation system. The research covers samples of the listed and over-the-counter companies in Taiwan from 2014 to 2017. The corporate governance evaluation rating is based on the results of the evaluation published by Securities & Futures Institute. Such rating is divided into 1 to 7. Higher score means that corporate governance evaluation rating is better. The measurement of board interlocked is assessed by two ways:(1)DUMMY, if the company with the board interlocked, then it equals one and zero otherwise. (2)The measurement of board interlocked is the ratio of the board interlocked measured by the number of directors and supervisors of the company with the board interlocked divided by the number of directors and supervisors Using the ordered probit regression model, the empirical results show the significantly and positively relationship between the corporate governance evaluation rating and the board interlocked. In other words, the study indicates the company with the board interlocked, the corporate governance evaluation grade is better. It can also be explained that the reporting company can bring good corporate governance effects through the board interlocked back it to increase the quality of corporate governance.


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