  • 學位論文


The Impact of Scent on Consumer Cognitive Value - Emotional Mediating Perspective

指導教授 : 李明彥
共同指導教授 : 丁姵元(Pei-Yuan Ting)


自二十一世紀以來,感官行銷中的嗅覺行銷漸漸被大眾認識且有正面的回應。產 學界紛紛嘗試了解及研究嗅覺行銷的脈絡,目前氣味在管理意涵相關研究以記憶、環 境及品牌方面切入進而影響購買意願、品牌態度、行為意象、停留時間。這些部分影 響結果,也與消費者情緒有正向關係,但較少同時討論並比較其相互關係。本研究目 的即探討氣味影響變項是否是透過引起消費者低階正向情緒,而影響消費者認知價 值。本研究選擇最直接反應消費者態度的購買意願及參考價格作為變項討論,以及討 論是否存在中介效果。 本研究為驗證上述假設,採用包含 FaceReader 臉部表情分析軟體及 PAD 情緒問卷 的實驗設計與問卷調查。共 126 人進行前導研究及 120 人進行正式實驗。本研究結果 發現,氣味操弄確實會影響人們的情緒,而自主不可控的低階情緒與購買意願和參考 價格有正向影響。此外,消費者的低階情緒會中介氣味對消費者認知價值(購買意 願、參考價格)的影響。


Since the twenty-first century, scent marketing has gradually been recognized. The industry and academia are trying to understand and study the context of scent marketing. Furthermore, in the current management-related research, scent is discussed in terms of memory, environment, and brand, which is capable of affecting consumer perception value, such as purchase intention, brand attitude, behavior image, and stay time. However, how scent can affect the consumer perception value has not been examined. This study aims to determine how such scent can influence the consumer cognitive value by emotional mediating perspective. Specifically, this study investigates purchase intention and reference price as indicators of consumer attitudes. To test the hypothesis mentioned above, experimental design and questionnaire survey, including FaceReader (a facial expression analysis software) and PAD emotion model, were adopted in this research. The pilot experiment and formal experiment are conducted with 126 participants and 120 participants, respectively. The results of the study indicated that scent has a positive influence on the low-level emotion of consumers, purchase intention, and reference price. In addition, low-level emotions of consumers have a mediating effect on the relationships between scent and consumer cognitive value intention.


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