  • 學位論文


Effect of Diesel Oxidation Catalyst and Diesel Particulate Filter on Traditional and Toxic Pollutant Emissions from Diesel Electricity Generator

指導教授 : 王琳麒


臺灣許多大型工廠、高樓大廈或是醫院都必需備有發電機,以供電路中斷或是發生緊急情況時,維持機電設備運作所需。再者由於柴油發電機發電效率高、燃料價格便宜,使得柴油發電機使用範圍日漸增加。現今國內的環保法規對柴油車輛有較嚴格之污染物排放規定,然而對於柴油發電機,卻只有規範油品成分標準,並未對其尾氣排放污染物加以規範,導致時常會看到柴油發電機啟動時大量冒出黑煙,甚至造成火警誤報之情形。然而要解決柴油發電機之排放污染物問題,在尾端加裝濾煙器為現今有效的處理方法。因此,本研究結合現今所使用在柴油引擎交通工具上之柴油氧化觸媒(Diesel Oxidation Catalyst, DOC)與柴油濾煙器(Diesel Particulate Filter, DPF)並應用於柴油發電機,針對尾氣排放出的細懸浮微粒、氣態污染物以及毒性污染物進行分析加裝濾煙器之後之影響,並作為政府評估未來以加裝濾煙器作為柴油發電機污染減量控制技術之參考。 研究結果顯示,在三台不同排氣量的柴油發電機加裝DOC+DPF後,PM2.5之去除率均可以達到98%以上。在氣態污染物部分,經過DOC+DPF處理之後且對CO之去除效率介於-7.09~59%,HC之去除效率為24%,因NOx、SO2會與塗層金屬中的Pt進行氧化成NO3-、SO3-其去除率最高可達為60.8%、71%。以總TEQ的觀點來看,柴油發電機廢氣在經DOC+DPF處理後,本研究之柴油發電機尾氣溫度在變動負載時接近PCDD/Fs生成區間(200


Numerous large factories and high-rise buildings in Taiwan require to have generators to maintain the operation of electrical and mechanical equipment in case of circuit interruptions or emergencies. Moreover, the high efficiency and low fuel cost of diesel engine generators have led to the increasing use of diesel engine generators. However, only the oil composition standard has already been regulated in diesel engine regulation, not the exhaust emission pollutants, which often leads to soot and even false fire alarm when diesel engine generators are started. However, to solve the pollutant emissions from diesel engine generators, installing smoke filters at the rear end is an effective treatment method nowadays. Therefore, this study combines the Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF), which were already used in diesel engine vehicles, and applies them to diesel engine generators. In order to confirm its effectiveness, the effects of the after-treatment installation were analyzed for fine suspended particulates, gaseous pollutants, and toxic pollutants emitted from the tailpipe and used as a reference for the government regulations to evaluate the pollution reduction technology of large diesel generators by installing after-treatment in the future. The study showed that the PM2.5 removal rate of different work conditions could reach over 98% after installing DOC+DPF. In the gaseous pollutant part, after DOC+DPF treatment, the removal efficiency of CO ranged from -7.09 to 59%. The removal efficiency of HC was 24% because NOx and SO2 would be oxidized with Pt in the coating metal to NO3- and SO3-, and the removal rate was up to 60.8% and 71%. From the viewpoint of the total TEQ, the diesel engine generator exhaust gas is processed by DOC+DPF, and the diesel engine generator exhaust temperature of this study is close to the PCDD/Fs generation interval (200


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