  • 學位論文

台灣茶⽂化品牌設計 以⾃創品牌 「未沫茶」為例

Taiwan Tea culture brand design Take the self-created brand WellMor Tea as an example

指導教授 : 黃文宗


臺灣茶聞名遐邇,臺灣茶文化擁有深厚的底蘊,來自中國的茶,卻在臺灣揚名國際且獲得世界認同。臺灣茶能種植出來擁有屬於樹種本身的風味,在於臺灣地形的得天獨厚地形氣候的原因,及歷經百年的技術傳承與變革,故形成了現今臺灣茶獨樹一格的文化風格,臺灣是自然與人文兼具的好地方,經過時代更迭農業種植技術更是進步,友善種植的方式是現在大家的基本共識,致力發展茶業經濟的同時也保留一片淨土給後代。 本研究創作藉由實地訪查與文獻探討,臺灣茶文化變遷,探究歷史與地理脈絡,梳理傳統中國茶文化與台灣茶文化底蘊的關聯性,研究臺灣在經歷日治時期後,茶文化受外來文化的影響。 從自創品牌的概念出發,改變過去茶產業只重視生產與製造的思維,透過重新定義台灣茶的價值與特色,設計出「未沫茶」這個品牌,結合現代人生活步調繁忙的特性,設計符合現代人飲用茶的方式,培養新一代年輕人飲用健康茶的習慣傳承獨特臺灣茶文化,整合傳統飲茶習慣與新興沖泡方式,設計茶點心與茶入菜等,從文化創意與品牌結合將其實踐設計。


Taiwanese tea was originally from mainland China but subsequently has been well developed long time in Taiwan. It is now Taiwanese favor and well-known in the world. A unique orographic creates unique weather further contribute to Taiwanese tea flavor. Taiwanese tea culture has been hundreds of years skills provide its unique style to the Natural humanities in this land. Technology updating has also helps Agricultural planting, people start thinking how to planting friendly not only increase Agricultural volume but also refined in Agricultural as well as less pollution to our next generations. This study was base by personal visit to the field to understanding Taiwanese tea in culture changing, history during differ governing period and orographic to discuss tea culture and relations to make all arrangement and design. By using long-term developed of Taiwanese tea culture, design and arrange to be the WellMor tea. A tea selected suitable to drink and easy for nowadays busy life, let the Taiwanese tea continues in culture for generations, a whole new tea snacks and to make a new flavors in the food. Think from Culture and creative industries then make it in brand design and further make it real in products. Using culture and creative ideas to a branding and then to make it in real.


TWININGS 唐寧茶(2019) 《唐寧茶生活美學的誕》,幸福文化出版社。
