  • 學位論文


Drafting the Law of Interior Designer

指導教授 : 張謙允


摘 要 依民國88年考選部(88)選規字第09380號函,建議內政部營建署認定室內裝修專業技術人員應屬專門職業及技術人員,並預計於「建築物室內裝修管理辦法」發布10年後(即95年5月)能過渡到由「室內設計師」執行裝修業務。故需要進行未來「室內設計師法」立法時,有待探討之室內設計師法相關議題及該法草案之研究。然室內設計師法研究範圍可分為人、時、地、物、法等五大範疇,但限於研究時間與人力限制,將以「人」作為建立本草案的主軸,並分析比較相關法令:建築師法、技師法、室內裝修管理辦法、室內設計師法草案(台中版),以瞭解當前法令對專門職業及技術人員規範事項及責任,以建立未來室內設計師所應扮演角色、責任及室內設計師法初步的法令架構。本研究預期達到下列之目的: (一) 比較現今國內外室內設計師相關制度。 (二) 分析國內專門職業及技術人員制度規範。 (三) 研擬室內設計師法草案。 (四) 建立未來室內設計法研究之相關議題架構。 本研究實證部分因考慮時間、人力與議題性等因素,採室內設計領域相關產、官、學專家領袖意見以「專家訪談」與「專家座談會」方式,回饋修正文本分析後的室內設計師法條,以檢驗經室內設計師法草案的信度與效度。研究結果有下列重要發現與結論: (一) 經文獻分析可知,我國為五權憲法國家,「專門職業及技術人員」有關各類專技人員職業管理,由各主管機關訂定職業管理法規規範,執業資格考試乃「職業管理」主要手段,與歐美三權分立一條鞭的「教、考、用」管理制度精神並不相同。 (二) 室內設計師定位,因室內設計業是建築管理的一部份,故未來室內設計師應列於「師」級與建築師並列於建築法中,以健全建築物使用管理體系。 (三) 透過專家訪談、專家會議與專家會議後專家訪談等研究步驟,可知不同室內設計相關團體對推動室內設計師法立場與建議。 (四) 經上述研究除可建立室內設計師法草案外,本研究過程中文獻資料不足與相關專家對室內設計師法尚有疑義部分,亦需建立後續研究議題予以釐清,做為日後推動室內設計師法基礎及建立室內設計專業獨特化之研究。


Abstracts In the Ministry of Examination document number 09380 of 1999, it is suggested that the Ministry of the Interior establish a national licensing examination for interior designers, for the industry and its expertise are highly specialized. It is expected to have the “Regulations for Interior Construction in Buildings” after being announced for 10 years (May 2006) to transform as “Interior Designer” executes interior decoration. Hence, before the “Drafting the Law of Interior Designer” is to be legislative, there are needs to investigate related issues and research the draft. Scopes for researching Drafting the Law of Interior Designer are mainly 5 areas, people, time, place, thing, and law. However, due to the limitations in time and man power for the research. The Focus of the draft will base on “people” to analyze and compare related regulations: Architect’s Law, Professional Engineers’ Law, Regulations for Interior Construction in Buildings, and Drafting the Law for Interior Designers (Taichung version) to understand the ruled items and responsibilities of current regulations to Special Professional Experts and Technical Personnel in order to establish proper roles and responsibilities the interior designer should play in the future, as well as to serve as the initial base structure of regulation for Interior Designer Law. Purposes of this research are: (1) Compare current systems related to interior designers domestically and internationally. (2) Analyze domestic systems and regulations of Special Professional Experts and Technical Personnel. (3) Drafting the Law for Interior Designers. (4) Establish structure for future interior design research method related issues. For the empirical part of this research will focus on “interview professionals and experts” and ”professional symposium” among industries, government offices, scholars, experts and leaders in the interior related fields due to the consideration of time, manpower and issues. The information collected shall refer to analyzed regulations to inspect the reliability and validity of the Drafting the Law of Interior Designer. Major findings and conclusions are as follows: (1) From literature review to learn that Taiwan is a country with Constitutions of Five Rights. The “Special Professional Experts and Technical Personnel” rules various special technical personnel occupational management. The occupational management regulations are defined by the direct supervising units, while qualification is defined by exam as the major mean. This is different than the management system in western countries of independent three rights in “education, examination and employment”. (2) Interior Design industry is part of construction management. Therefore, in the future, the interior designer should be considered as same level of architect in the professional consideration, also to be listed the Construction Law, to well sound the building using and management system. (3) Through procedures of research method in interview experts, meeting with professionals, and interview experts after the professional meeting, finds different positions and suggestions among different designing groups in promoting Drafting the Law of Interior Designer. (4) Conclusions from the above research could be used as the base for Drafting the Law of Interior Designer. There are lacking related literature and other doubts from some experts to the drafts are possible research topics for the future. This is the base to promote Drafting the Law of Interior Designer in the future as well as to establish uniqueness of professional interior design research.





