  • 學位論文


Application of Approximate Entropy and Autoregressive for Detection and Correction of Saturated Current Transformers

指導教授 : 蔡孟伸


比流器的飽和現象常使得電力系統發生故障時,在二次側電流產生畸變,造成保護電驛動作延遲或誤動作,進而導致電力設備的損壞。由於比流器二次側電流在飽和開始時會有明顯的轉折,因此利用近似熵的計算原理擷取其電流特徵後,在取樣週期的範圍內,經過計算結果所得到的值,可以清楚地分辨目前的電流是否具規則性,並搭配飽和轉折做為輔助判斷的依據,找出飽和點發生的位置。而後再將二次側電流發生飽和點時的前幾個正常的電流值匯入自我迴歸演算法,經過迴歸參數的矩陣排列運算後,得到預測下一個新的電流值,並取代二次側原先的飽和電流值,如此重複運算,即可達到修正波形的效果。 本論文參考Matlab R2007a/Simulink內SimPowerSystems的範例並針對各種不同條件進行模擬,模擬結果顯示所提之近似熵可正確的偵測比流器是否飽和,並可作為進行電流信號補償的參考依據,再利用自我迴歸演算法,根據飽和點的位置進行波形修正的動作,將得到的補償電流輸出至保護電驛,其模擬的電流峰值誤差也維持在2%以下,大幅降低因比流器飽和而造成的二次側電流誤差,以維持電力系統的正常運轉。


The saturation of phenomenon of Current Transformers not only causes the distortion of the secondary current, but also may affect the operation of Protective Relays. This thesis applies Approximate Entropy for the Detection of the Saturated Current Transformer. When the saturation phenomenon of the secondary current appears, an obvious turning point which calculated by the Approximate Entropy method will be produced. The results of the calculation can be used to judge whether the current is in regularity. The calculation results can be used to identify the time when a saturated condition occurs. Using the secondary current value before the occurrence of the saturation, Autoregressive algorithm can be used to correct the distorted current waveform. The algorithm of Approximate Entropy is verified by simulating of different conditions for the sample system provided in the SimPowerSystems, Matlab R2007a/Simulink. The results of simulations show that the algorithm of Approximate Entropy can accurately detect the occurrence of CT saturation and can be used as the references for obtaining compensatory currents. The simulation results show that the differences between actual and compensated curves are within 2%.




