  • 學位論文


Design of Substation Facility Maintenance and Management System Incorporated with Fault Diagnosis Method for Power Transformers Based on Hybrid Fuzzy Dissolved Gas Analysis

指導教授 : 姚立德


為方便台電工程人員進行一次變電所點檢時對各檢測項目之記錄,且確保一次變電所點檢工作之落實,本研究為台電建製一套「變電設備維護管理系統」,將台電所有一次變電所的變電設備資產做成資料庫,以伺服器之方式進行資料更新與認證管理。亦方便管理人員過濾或分析點檢資料、查詢變電所設備資料及印製相關維護、統計或著工作排程報表等。並產生符合能源局『電業設備查驗網頁』所需之格式,將完成之設備點檢結果上傳至能源局網站。或讓系統產生一個符合能源局格式的查驗報表,方便台電人員依照此報表將表上之資料直接鍵入『電業設備查驗網頁』。 此外,針對變壓器TCG(Total Combustible Gas)試驗之部分,本研究將探討現有IEEE、IEC和日本電氣協會所制定各DGA(Dissolved Gas Analysis)法則之特點,將各自所擅長判斷之故障特性整合後,結合Fuzzy Inference發展一套更加精確之「油中氣體模糊分析法則」,應用於「變電設備維護管理系統」中,完成線上油中氣體分析功能。


To expedite Taiwan Power Company’s (TPC’s) engineers recording inspection results of primary substation facilities and to affirm the inspection works have been finished. The “Substation Facility Maintenance and Management System (SFMMS)” is designed for TPC to integrate data of all substation facility into database and to increase and update data as well as security management by Server. The SFMMS also provides the functions such as filtering and analysis of inspection data, acquisition of facility information, and printing of different tables for maintenance and statistics. SFMMS will also generate the tables with the formats complied with the one on the Utility Facility Inspection Web Page designed by the Energy Bureau, Ministry of Economics, to either automatically upload the inspection data to the website of Energy Bureau or provide convenience for inspection engineers to input the corresponding inspection data in terms of the formats from the Energy Bureau on the Utility Facility Inspection Web Page. In addition, referring to TCG (Total Combustible Gas), the DGA(Dissolved Gas Analysis) methods established by IEEE, IEC and EJA are integrated and utilized with Fuzzy Inference to develop into the “Hybrid Fuzzy Dissolved Gas Analysis” and apply to SFMMS to complete the DGA module on Web Page.


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