  • 學位論文


Stabilization Grouting under Concrete Pavement

指導教授 : 倪至寬


國內剛性鋪面應用之範疇,如機場跑滑行道與高速公路路面等,多數已到達維修之年限,但因交通量頻繁的情況下,全面翻修並不容易,可藉由鋪面版底灌漿來強化鋪面之承載力。 剛性鋪面主要破壞的原因為重車荷載的反復作用下,版底基層產生累積塑性變形,使剛性鋪面的局部範圍不再與基層保持連續接觸,出現了版底局部掏空。同時版塊間之填縫料老化失去彈性的狀況下,版塊受熱後無伸張空間,且版塊原始掏空處的底下為空氣,版塊受熱後熱量無法傳遞至級配料層,致使版內溫度的非線形分佈,引起版塊向上或向下的翹曲,加速了版與基層之間的分離形成版底掏空。填縫料老化失去彈性,版塊受熱將其擠壓後便無法恢復,與版塊將不再密接產生縫隙,雨水從縫隙處侵入基層,滲入的水將在版底形成積水(自由水)。車輛荷載作用在路面上,混凝土版塊反復上下振動,使積水與基層材料中的細料形成泥漿,並沿版塊接縫縫隙處噴濺出來形成唧水,唧水出現更進一步加劇了版底的掏空,以及滲入之地表水無法排出致使路床軟化下陷,這些現象使得版塊下方充滿孔洞,降低版塊原有之承載力,當飛機或車輛再次經過時,版塊便產生裂縫。 本文之研究內容分為三大部分,(一)灌漿配比試驗:本文以無收縮水泥漿液為主要研究對象,於實驗室內進行泌水試驗、漿液凝結時間試驗、馬氏漏斗儀試驗、固結漿液抗壓強度試驗及固結漿液乾縮試驗,建議使用之將材為泌水率小於5%,馬氏漏斗儀試驗值介於29至33秒之間,固結水泥漿液之第七天強度至少為120kg/cm2,極限乾縮率為0.26%以下之漿材較為適用,拌和完成之水泥灌漿必須在2小時內使用,超過2小時則不可使用。(二)剛性鋪面版底灌漿:先利用透地雷達於現地版塊所偵查之孔洞,進行灌漿孔位佈設,透過文獻回顧選用適當之機具與監測系統,以單環塞工法進行填充灌漿,灌漿壓力介於 0 ~ 5 kg/cm2,填塞版塊底下之孔洞,版塊抬昇量必須小於1mm。(三)非破壞性檢測:灌漿前藉由透地雷達偵測孔洞位置,並於灌漿後檢驗孔洞是否消失,驗證灌漿成效;灌漿前進行落重槌試驗,檢驗鋪面之撓度值,並於灌漿後同點位再次施作落重槌試驗,比較灌漿後撓度值之差異,結果均顯示剛性鋪面版底灌漿可有效的改良版底掏空的問題。 柔性鋪面瀝青混凝土的力學性質與瀝青的黏滯性很有關係,所以柔性鋪面有各種裂紋時,可以採用不同維謢方法,柔性鋪面新舊界面結合良好,承載力可快速恢復。剛性鋪面撓屈強度雖然很大,但是版塊下方的孔洞,可以造成版塊龜裂而快速降低版塊承載力,由於水泥混凝土新舊界面結合不易,無法採用柔性鋪面的維謢方法,因此,建議剛性鋪面維謢的時機,應該在版塊尚未發生龜裂前,如此,剛性鋪面的生命周期延長很多,也提高經濟性。


Most of highways and rigid pavements in Taiwan are beyond their service life, which means overall maintenance is needed for strengthening their bearing capability. Undersealing may be utilized for improving their bearing capability under usage. The failure mechanism of rigid pavement is mainly because cyclic traffic loading to separate concrete slab from underlying base course. Regarding aging of the filling between slabs, this speeds up the separation between slab and base course because of narrower space for heated slab expansion. Seepage path is therefore generated between these bended slabs, and water may percolate through paths to stop by base course surface. On the other hand, for daytime heat energy cannot easily be transferred from slab to base course as a result of possible voids located underneath the slab. Then water spurts through paths to ground surface when load applies, the so-called “pumping” phenomenon, and this fact significantly voids the fine soils within base course. Slab cracks are therefore generated after repetitive traffic loading. This study mainly includes three major parts, 1) laboratory grout mix test, 2) field undersealing, and 3) field non-destructive test. A series of grout mix tests report that the grout, with bleeding percentage of less than 5% and Marsh funnel viscosity ranging between 29-33 sec as well as 7-day compressive strength of at least 120 kg/cm2, is recommended for undersealing. Ground penetration radar is utilized for detecting possible voids underneath slabs, and grout tubes, equipped with single packer, are thus installed to inject grout under grouting pressure of 0-5 kg/cm2 and lift of less than 1 mm. To examine and validate the grouting performance, the results from ground penetration radar and falling weight deflectometer are compared with those obtained before undersealing. To conclude, the bearing capability can largely be improved by undersealing because of good bonding between slabs and base courses, and its service life is thus significantly extended.


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