  • 學位論文


Taipei Huashan Art District entrance square plan

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


廣場是居民心靈上的停泊處,是維持都市生機的重要器官,也是匯集群眾及社區交流的重要公共設施,成功的廣場規劃,需要發揮多樣性使用機能,引發持續性活動,才能豐富廣場的活力。(Paul Zucker ,1966) 台北市華山藝文特區入口廣場於民國93年9月規劃設計完成,回顧其相關文獻及設置目標,應提供各種戶外活動、提供民眾休閒休憩、親民互動、與周圍活動結合等等理想目標,但多年以來,空間的規劃無法與周邊商業活動有效的連結,很難吸引鄰近商圈及一般民眾的參與,經濟與社區活動力不足,未能發揮廣場應有之機能。 本研究藉由文獻探討研析相關資料,探討現有入口廣場規劃與周邊設施之適宜性,分析其空間與活動之間的關係,並以「誘導式結構」為操作方法,以「台北市華山藝文特區入口廣場」為規畫對象,配合基地現況條件分析,提出28點關於華山入口廣場之規劃原則,並交互推理推演出五項規劃策略,推導出二項整體規劃目標情境「綠蔭的文化生活埕」、「各軸聚焦的新地標」,為本論文之總體規劃目標,依設計原則進行台北市華山藝文特區入口廣場實例操作。


Plazas where urban residents may rest and enjoy mental peace serve as a key organ to metropolitan vitality; moreover, they are important public facilities where people in communities gather and communicate. Thus, the successful planning of plazas demands the diverse capacities which trigger constant activities, leading to the vitality of plazas. Taipei Huashan Art District entrance square was founded in September 2004. In terms of the literature review and object thereof, it is supposed to meet the objects as follows, e.g. outdoor activities, public leisure and recreation, civic interaction and integrity with activities in the neighborhood. However, over the past years, the spatial planning has failed to connect effectively with business activities in the neighborhood, which fails to lure the participation of commercial circles and the public in the neighborhood. As a result, the Plaza fails to perform the capacity planned in the beginning because of insufficient activity of economy and community. This research is to study the design and usage of space of a concourse square and its facility with related document. Using “Taipei Huashan Art District entrance square ” as an example, this research provides 28 conceptual design point and 5 planning strategy. The subject of the research is to come out 2 design scenario to offer the public a green recreational area and a brand new landmark.


square open space Huashan Art District


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