  • 學位論文


A Quantitative Study on Ultrasonic Microbubble-Medicated Cavitation Intensity

指導教授 : 呂志誠


本研究目的在於使用先前所優化設計之超音波導波管,可均勻地輸出超音波聲壓場。進一步結合超音波與微氣泡所引致之空穴效應(cavitation),探討使用顆粒計數方法估測其空穴效應強度之可行性。從文獻研究顯示,除了本身液體中因超音波產生空穴效應之外,若再加入微氣泡可加強空穴效應,可使基因傳遞效果更佳,但也可能造成另一缺點,空穴效應強度過大,細胞也可能同時死亡,二者需要適度的平衡。為此我們研究的目的就是希望能夠了解微氣泡與細胞於施打超音波時影響基因傳遞效果之空穴效應量化指標。 本實驗使用人類血液中紅血球(RBC; red blood cell),作為基因傳遞實驗之模擬細胞;此外,在實驗方面,常用來量化慣性超音波之空穴效應ICD (inertial cavitation dose)法,本研究自製壓電接收器擷取施打微氣泡和紅血球破裂時,瞬間產生的壓力類比訊號,利用類比轉數位之轉換器將訊號轉成電腦可讀之數位數據,結合數學賴利方程式(Rayleigh equation),再將接收到的訊號做相對應的匹配。實驗結果顯示以微氣泡和紅血球破裂的數目經過與ICD法參照比對後,可用來判斷引發空穴效應的強度,可以協助歸納氣泡破裂與細胞生存間之相對關係,減少實際細胞實驗之次數與需求。


The purpose of the investigation is to study the feasibility of measurement of the ultrasonic microbubble-medicated cavitation on intensity by using particle counting method, which can be carried out by a previous ultrasound tube design and the Coulter counter. Once when ultrasound wave works on the liquid, it can induce the cavitation effect. Thus by the effect, we can increase the efficiency of the gene transfer rate over the cells by causing the poles over cell surface. From previous investigations, we realize that besides the ultrasound cavitation over the liquid, we can improve the efficiency if the micro-bubbles are joined over the liquid. However, with the increase of the cavitation strength, more cells may suffer from irreversible membrane damages and result in cell death. Therefore detail balance between the gene transfer rate and the membrane damage needs to be achieved during this procedure. Thus our purpose for investigation is to evaluate the influences of the ultrasound wave over the cells and the micro-bubbles. The red blood cells (RBC) are selected to be the model for our experiment. After the ultrasound wave releases energy over the liquid and result in micro-bubble rupture, the piezoelectric receiver can capture the analog signals. Then the analog-to-digital converter will transfer it to the digital ones for computational analysis. Furthermore, the Inertial Cavitation Dose (ICD) method will perform for theoretical evaluation of the cavitation effect. Finally, the results will compare to the Rayleigh equation to calculate the strength of the ultrasound and the cavitation effects. The results may contribute to the further gene delivery procedures and provide better ultrasound strength along with the micro-bubble concentration to prevent from cell ruptures.


Microbubble Cavitation Gene delivery RBC Ultrasound Rayleigh equation


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