  • 學位論文


Single-camera Hand Gesture Recognition for Human-Computer Interface

指導教授 : 王聖智




In this thesis, we propose a novel hand gesture recognition technique for a remote-control human computer interface (HCI) using a single visible-light camera. The system is mainly composed of an image projector and a camera installed on the left side of the panel. We wish to develop a human computer interface that is not limited to finger touching on the board, but allows remotely controlling the system. In this system, we develop our human computer interface in order to find the hand location and to recognize human hand gesture in cluttered backgrounds in real time. In our approach, we first use a simple calibration process to get the initial position of the hand and the relation between image coordinates and the projected board coordinates. After that, we develop a tracking algorithm to get the position of hand, with the help of a hand detection algorithm. Next, we use a gesture recognition technique to recognize the current gesture. We also integrate the detection algorithm with the tracking algorithm to boost the performance. Finally, by projecting the detected hand position onto the projected screen, we can replace the use of mouse and use hand gesture to control the system.


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