  • 學位論文


Effects of Strategic Alliance on Pharmaceutical New Drug Performance

指導教授 : 林博文


現今之製藥公司主要可區別成兩種類型的製藥公司。第一、大型製藥公司:此類型的大型製藥公司,主要由早期化學公司轉型。第二、生技製藥公司:此種公司主要具有先進之生物技術,並將其運用於製藥上,再轉形成生技製藥之公司。製藥產業的發展相當迅速,加上生物技術日益精進,使製藥產業的研發結構產生改變,多數大型製藥公司如PFIZER,早期多為化學公司,利用化學技術製藥,在逐步轉形成製藥公司。但自生物技術出現後,使早期製藥利用技術組合化學技術(combinational chemistry)篩選藥物分子的技術,成為較無效率之方式。生物技術透過基因重組等技術使篩選藥物分子的速度加快。生物技術之變化和進步相較於化學技術上之進展更快,因此,對於專注於新藥研發的製藥公司而言,其技術上相形要較生技公司不足。生技公司專注於生物技術上之研發,如如何利用生物技術達到更快的藥物篩選,亦或是如何利用生物技術縮短整體藥物之研發程。以往藥物的研發到上市平均需要12年的時間,而專利保護期為20年,因此藥廠的獲利扣除3年的成本回收為5年,若生物技術能提供更快的藥物篩選而使研發過程更具效率,則能使整體研發時程縮短,獲利時間則可增加。故透過生物技術之優勢,大型製藥公司若與生技公司進行合作,對於大型製藥廠的新藥產出必具有影響,因此透過具有技術優勢生技公司和大型製藥廠在藥物開發階段或是在整個藥物發展階段和生技公司形成聯盟,則生技公司能加快製藥公司於製藥時期第一階段的開發時間以及加快新藥的之產出。本篇論文,針對此兩種不同類型之公司其於聯盟後,對於製藥公司而言其新藥數是否有正面之影響作進一步的探討,另外也對整體製藥業之發展有進一步之整理。最後在以世界製藥第一大公司PFIZER作為個案,探究目前世界第一大製藥公司,其整體之發展情形和聯盟情況,甚至分析其藥物表現等,以瞭解目前大藥廠的動向,進一步做為台灣藥廠之發展模式之借鏡。 關鍵字:製藥公司、生技製藥公司、製藥業、聯盟、新藥


The pharmaceutical company has two different types that are the large pharmaceutical firm and bio-pharmaceutical firm. First of all, the large pharmaceutical firm is founded by a specialist in chemistry, but later it changes the type of company from chemical firm to pharmaceutical firm. Secondly, the bio-pharmaceutical firm has more powerful biotechnology abilities. Meanwhile, it is used by the technology for drug development, become a pharmaceutical company based on biotechnology. With rapid of development of biotechnology, the structure of pharmacy will be changed by biotech. Most of large pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer were chemical company. It had been developing the drug thought the biotechnology. Nowadays the biotechnology emergence, the time for drug discovery becomes shorter, that is biotechnology more efficient than combinational chemistry for the drug development and drug compound searching, and the biotechnology with DNA recombination makes the process of drug screening become quicker. The technology in biotech is changing everyday; even it is faster than chemistry. Namely, compared with the biotech firm, the large pharmaceutical company which concentrated on the R&D of new drug is not completed in the technology of drug developing, but most of time the biotech company is focused on the R&D of biotechnology, and how to become faster in drug screening through the biotechnology. In the past the times for developing a new drug require 12 years, but the pattern has only 20 years to support the new drug cannot be clone other firms. On the other hand, the firm will spends 3 years to cover all of the drug developing costs with new drug benefits, in other words, the time that can profits from new drug is only 5 years. If the biotechnology can provide the more active method for drug screening, that can be more efficient in process of R&D, which can let the pharmaceutical firm has more time to makes returns. The large pharmaceutical firm can improve its new drug performance if it can build up the alliance with biotech firm. For these reasons, the thesis will focus on the two varied types of pharmaceutical company that the influence on the performance of new drugs after pharmaceutical alliances. The other hand, the information about the whole market of pharmaceutical industry will show detail in this thesis. Finally, we will have the case study with Pfizer which is most famous large pharmaceutical firm, through Pfizer to know the tendency of pharmacy, and then have some suggestions for Taiwan’s pharmaceutical company. Keywords: biotechnology, pharmaceutical, pharmacy, new drug, alliance


biotechnology pharmaceutical pharmacy new drug alliance


