  • 學位論文


The Influence of Lock-in Effect on Customer Loyalty-The Case of Knowledge Intensive Service Operations in Taiwan's Technology Firms

指導教授 : 朱詣尹


對台灣高科技產業在傳統的生產作業之外,近年更重視服務的作業,因此為了強化與顧客的關係,維繫顧客忠誠度顯得格外重要。回顧中外之文獻,發現學界對於顧客忠誠度背後影響因素的研究,多侷限於顧客滿意度及轉換障礙兩大層面,然而由滿意度與轉換障礙所建構的忠誠度模式是否適用於台灣科技產業,仍需要深入探討。因此,本研究於既有忠誠度之模式中加入了「鎖入效應」元素,針對台灣地區科技產業中,進行知識服務作業之企業進行深入分析。   本研究透過個案之研究方法,選擇台灣科技業之中進行知識服務作業之企業進行訪談,更進一步探討顧客忠誠度模式及其與鎖入效應之間的關連性,同時觀察產業界如何利用鎖入效應,影響顧客之忠誠度,進而達到企業行銷與獲利之目的。   本研究結果發現在獨占、寡占或領先者優勢較大的產業,轉換障礙所產生的鎖入效應對於顧客忠誠度影響較大;相對的,產業成熟而競爭者眾多的市場,滿意度形成的鎖入效應,則扮演了影響忠誠度的主要角色。


For Taiwan high-tech industries’ move from manufacture to service, the customer relationship and loyalty management become one of the most important issues. In order to maintain customer’s loyalty, the firms would find that there are two key dimensions considered in the literature: the customer satisfaction and switching barrier. It is however not clear if and how the two dimensions affect the customer loyalty in Taiwan industries’ knowledge-intensive service operations. This research has therefore focused on how customer satisfaction and switching barrier affect customer’s loyalty by adopting qualitative research methodology through interviewing firms in knowledge-intensive service operations. By observing the lock-in effect induced in the processes of customer satisfaction and switching barrier, this research is aim to find out how the case firms use the processes to affect the customer loyalty and achieve these firms’ business and marketing goals. One of the main findings of this research is that the key aspects that the affect the use of lock in effects are the competitive position and monopoly power of the firms, when they may consider taking switching barrier as the main avenue to enhance the customer loyalty. Conversely, those firms with less of the competitive posture and in mature market would emphasize more on the process of customer satisfaction and its influence on the customer loyalty.


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