  • 學位論文


An Analysis and Comparison of Citation Data between Journals of Social Sciences

指導教授 : 蔡明月


本研究旨在探討社會科學期刊之基本特性與引用數據間之關係。根據專家學者意見所做的社會科學範圍比較以及SSCI資料庫中對於社會科學類期刊收錄範圍所做的分類,共同篩選出具有五十種以上期刊的學科,包括:人類學(53種)、商業學(91種)、經濟學(169種)、教育學(115種)、歷史學(58種)、資訊科學與圖書館學(54種)、法律學(103種)、管理學(67種)、政治學(78種)、心理學(421種)、社會工作與社會學(148種)等十一類學科,做為本研究的核心期刊。採用JCR所提供的社會科學類各學科國際引用數據指標,例如:刊載文章篇數、被引用次數、影響係數、即時引用指數、引用半衰期與被引用半衰期等六項引用數據,輔以全球期刊指南資料庫查核並補充基本資料,以取得完整資料進行分析。研究中除針對期刊基本資料及引用數據的特性進行分析,並採用皮爾森積差相關係數、費雪爾Z轉換與獨立樣本T檢定等統計方法,分析所蒐集的社會科學類各學科核心期刊之六項引用數據間的相關程度,並比較各學科引用數據的相關性與引用數據之同質性與平均數差異。 研究結果歸納如下: (一)各學科期刊引用數據之基本資料及引用數據的特性 (1)社會科學類期刊的出刊頻率以季刊為主;從各學科年出刊次數來看,以心理學期刊為最多樣化;從各學科年出刊次數的分佈範圍來看,以政治學的分佈範圍最為廣泛。 (2)期刊刊載文章篇數主要分佈範圍以20至29篇為主,其次為10至19篇,及30至39篇;商學類因刊載文章多屬於講求新穎與時效性之報導性簡訊刊物,因而文章刊篇數最多。其次為心理學、資訊科學與圖書館學、經濟學及政治學。 (3)期刊被引用次數以心理學期刊最多,其次為經濟學。整體而言,出刊次數頻繁或刊載文章篇數多的期刊,被引用次數自然較多。 (4)期刊影響係數以0.001至0.999範圍為主。以歷史學所佔比率最高;其次為1.000至1.999,以管理學和心理學為最多。期刊影響係數大於2以上的學科中,以法律學的比率最高,其次為心理學。各類期刊影響力大於2以上的學科,有很高的比率為review性質的期刊。 (5)期刊即時引用指數多集中於0.001~0.099,如教育學、經濟學、政治學及商業學;法律學及心理學期刊,則以0.100~0.199為最多數。研究發現,期刊影響力高的期刊,越容易成為當年度熱門期刊。 (6)人類學、商業學、經濟學、歷史學、政治學、心理學及社會工作與社會學等學科期刊的引用半衰期大多數為大於等於十年。資訊科學與圖書館學多集中於6至6.9年間、法律學則多為7至7.9年以及管理學多為8至8.9年間。 (7)期刊被引用半衰期,除資訊科學與圖書館學、管理學及政治學外,其餘期刊較不易老化,生命週期較長。 (二)各學科期刊引用數據相關性分析 (1)各學科期刊引用數據相關性以被引用次數與影響係數為最高,所有學科皆呈現高度或極高度顯著正相關。 (2)其次為影響係數與即時引用指數、被引用次數與被引用半衰期,前者除了管理學不相關外,其餘學科皆達顯著正相關,其中又以法律學為相關度最高的學科。後者則除了人類學、歷史學,以及資訊科學與圖書館學外,其餘皆為顯著正相關,其中以管理學為高度相關性,其餘七門學科的相關性皆為中度至極低度。 (3)再其次為被引用次數與即時引用指數、被引用次數與刊載文章篇數,以及引用半衰期與被引用半衰期,三者多為中低度正相關。 (4)影響係數與引用半衰期相關性方面,資訊科學與圖書館學、法律學、管理學、政治學皆為正相關,經濟學和心理學則為負相關。 (5)刊載文章篇數與引用半衰期,僅經濟學為正相關,教育學、資訊科學與圖書館學、心理學,以及社會工作與社會學皆為負相關。 (6)被引用次數與引用半衰期,只有商業學、法律學、管理學及政治學具相關性,且為正向相關。 (7)刊載文章篇數與被引用半衰期方面,所有達顯著相關性的學科,包括:人類學、資訊科學與圖書館學,以及社會工作與社會學,皆呈現負相關。 (8)影響係數與刊載文章篇數,僅人類學和心理學具顯著相關性,其餘學科皆無相關性存在。 (9)影響係數與被引用半衰期,只有商業學具顯著中度正相關,至於歷史學則為負相關。 (10)即時引用指數與引用半衰期,則僅只有心理學呈現顯著極低度負相關。 (三)各學科期刊引用數據相關性差異分析 (1)就各學科期刊引用數據間之相關差異性來看,各學科在被引用次數與影響係數、影響係數與即時引用指數、影響係數與引用半衰期的差異性最大,刊載文章篇數與即時引用指數、被引用半衰期與引用半衰期的差異性最小。 (2)就各引用數據間之學科相關差異性而言,心理學、商業學、法律學、社會工作與社會學,以及經濟學之間的差異性最大,教育學、資訊科學與圖書館學、心理學、歷史學,以及社會工作與社會學等則是差異性最小。 (四)各學科期刊引用數據變異數同質性與平均數差異性分析 (1)各學科在變異數同質性與平均數差異性檢測方面,引用參考資料新穎性的差異性最大,其次為期刊被引用次數和期刊影響力,再其次為期刊是否為當年度熱門期刊和期刊生產力,最後為期刊生命週期的長短。 (2)若從學科來看,歷史學、法律學,及心理學和其它學科之間的差異最大。其次為商業學、教育學、管理學、政治學以及社會工作與社會學,差異最小的為資訊科學與圖書館學。 (3)學科間顯著差異最明顯為歷史學和商業學、歷史學和管理學,以及歷史學和心理學三組。其次為歷史學和經濟學、歷史學和教育學、歷史學和法律學、歷史學和社會工作與社會學、心理學和教育學、心理學和社會工作與社會學。   期望藉由本研究結果,瞭解社會科學期刊發展的特性及引用數據間彼此的相互關係,幫助研究人員、專家學者、圖書館館員,或資料庫製作者,對於社會科學研究領域的發展現象與趨勢,以及對於引用數據的利用能有一定程度的認識,以便能發展不同計量指標做為評估期刊品質,進而掌握社會科學的知識創作與學術傳播,並提供圖書館期刊館藏政策擬定之參考。


The purpose of this study is inquiring into the relation between the basic characteristic and the citation data of social sciences journals. From the social sciences scope according to experts’ and scholars’ opinions, and from the classification of social sciences journals registered in SSCI database, knowing that the disciplines which contain more than 50 journals are including anthropology (53 records), business (91 records), economics (169 records), education (115 records), history (58 records), information science and library science (54 records), law (103 records), management (67 records), politics (78 records), psychology (421 records), social work and sociology (148 records) etc.. The journals of these disciplines are the main objects of this study. Besides, this study adopts the international citation data index sign of each social sciences disciplines of Journal Citation Reports (JCR), for example: source items, citation frequency, impact factor, immediacy index, citing half-life and cited half-life. With examination and complementary of the Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory Database, the information of these six citation data would be more complete to be analyzed. In this study, first, the correlation between each pair of citation data such as impact factor and immediacy index is determined based on the Pearson correlation tests. Second, the Fisher’s Z-Transform examination is used to examine the correlation coefficient variation of citation data. Third, the study focuses on independent-samples T test is used to ascertain whether there were equality and mean difference between the citation data in social sciences. The results of this study reveal that: 1. The distributions of basic data of each disciplines journals and the characteristic of the citation data (1)Most social sciences journals are quarterly. The psychology journals are the most diverse in issued numbers each year, and politics journals are the most extensive of the distribution scope each year. (2)The most numbers of published articles of each journal are 20-29 articles, followed by 10-19 articles and 30-39 articles. Business journals require up-to-date information, as a result, the numbers of published articles of Business journals are the most of all. And psychology, information science and library science, economics and politics journals come next. (3)The citation frequency of psychology journals is the most, and economics journals secondly. By all accounts, the journals that have more issued frequency or more numbers of published articles, also have more citation frequency. (4)The impact factor is between 0.001 and 0.999 mostly, and in this scope, history journals have highest percentage. The second is between 1.000 and 1.999, Management and psychology journals have the most percentage in this scope. Among the journals which have the impact factor bigger than 2, law journals have the highest ratio, and psychology journals comes secondly. The subjects that have the journals impact factor bigger than 2, also have high possibility as the journals of the review article. (5)The immediacy index is concentrated mostly in 0.001~0.099, such as education, economics, politics and business journals. However, law and psychology journals are in 0.100~0.199 mostly. According to this research, the higher impact factor is, the journal becomes more popular in that year. (6)Citing half-life is focused on 10 to more than 10 year, such as anthropology, business, economics, history, politics, psychology , social work and sociology journals etc. The majority of information science and library science journals concentrate in 6 years to 6.9 years, the law journals are focused on 7 to 7.9 years, and the management journals are focused on 8 to 8.9 years. (7)In addition to the information science and library science, management and politics journals are in cited half-life, the rest journals are not aged easily and have the longer life cycle. 2. The correlation between each pair of citation data in social sciences disciplines journals (1) The highest correlation of the journals citation data is between the citation frequency and the impact factor, all the journals present high or extreme high positive correlation. (2) The second high correlations are between the impact factor and immediacy citation index, and between citation frequency and source items. The former, except the management is not correlated, all the rest journals have obvious positive correlation, and the law is the highest correlated discipline. The latter, except the anthropology, history, information science and library science journals, the rest of all have obvious positive correlation, especially the management journals is the highest correlated, and the correlation of the other seven disciplines all are low. (3) The third high correlations of the journals citation data are between citation frequency and immediately citation index, between citation frequency and source items, and between citing half-life and cited half-life. These three groups are medium-low correlations. (4) About the correlations between impact factor and citing half-life, between information science and library science, law, management, politics journals all are with positive correlation, but the correlation between economics and psychology journals is negative. (5) Between source items and citing half-life, only economics has positive correlation. And the correlation between education, information science and library science, social work and sociology, and psychology. (6) Between citation frequency and citing half-life, only business, law, management and politics are correlated, and all are positive. (7) Concerning the correlation between source items and cited half-life, the disciplines correlated obviously, including anthropology, information science and library science, plus social work and sociology, all present negative. (8)Between impact factor and source items, only anthropology and psychology have obvious correlation, the rest disciplines are not correlated. (9)Between impact factor and source items, only anthropology and psychology have obvious correlation, the rest disciplines are not correlated. (10)Between immediacy citation index and citing half-life, only psychology presents extreme low correlation. 3. The correlation coefficient variation of citation data in social sciences disciplines journals. (1)By analyzing the differences of correlation coefficient between citation data of each disciplines journal, the differences between citation frequency and impact factor, between impact factor and immediacy citation index, and between impact factor and citing half-life are the highest. The difference between source items and immediacy citation index, and between cited half- life and citing half- life both are the lowest. (2)By analyzing the variation of disciplines journals in citation data correlation coefficient, the difference between psychology, business, law, social work and sociology, and economics journals is highest. Between education, information science and library science, psychology, social work and sociology, and history journals, the variation is the lowest. 4 The analysis of equality and mean difference between the citation data in social sciences disciplines journals. (1)Citing half-life has the most significant differences. The second is citation frequency and impact factor. The third is immediacy index and source items. Cited half-life has the least significant difference. (2)The difference of citation data correlation between history and other disciplines is the highest. The second high is between law and psychology and the third is between business, education, management, politics, social work and sociology. The least significant difference is between Information science and library science has. (3) Between history and business, management, psychology are unequal in citation data and have the most significant mean differences. The second significant is between history and economics, education, law, social work and sociology; between psychology and education, social work and sociology are unequal in citation data and have the significant mean differences The results of the study would be expected to help to identify the characteristics of development and the correlation of the citation data between journals of citation analysis of social sciences. In addition, the results of the present study may help researchers, professionals, librarians, or database maker to understand and utilize the citation data in the development and trend between research field of social sciences, and develop another index to be used as to evaluate the journals quality. Moreover, the study may assist in the social sciences librarians to establish journals collection development and management policies, and to control the knowledge creations and scholar dissemination.


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