  • 學位論文


An Investigation on Restricted Factors in China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Agreement - Tariff Duties and Import linkage Tax Analysis

指導教授 : 吳秀玲




Interests in the study of China-Japan-Korea FTA have revived in the past years, due mainly to the publication of the China-Japan-Korea FTA of An-Kang Hu(2001). Many contributions to the study of China’s FTA have also been made since then China becomes a member of WTO. This paper discusses the issues related to China’s international trade policy of restricted factors in China-Japan-Korea FTA by the government. Firstly, this paper reviews those publications, and then discusses the results of the author’s analysis of the contention of restriction on tax revenue. The results confirm that the share of Japan-Korea trade in China total import duty has something to do with restricted factors in China-Japan-Korea FTA. In addition, this paper also be added that recommendations for future research. Finally, on the basis as mentioned above, let us look at China’s FTA from a different angle.


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