  • 學位論文


A Study of U.S. Military Civil Affairs after Iraq War

指導教授 : 洪陸訓


美國自1990至2005的15年中,經歷了三次舉世矚目的戰爭,主要戰場都在中東,除2001年美國以阿富汗為主要對象外,其餘兩次都是伊拉克。現代戰爭透過視迅的傳遞對世人而言,戰場離人們並不遠,而世人所關心的焦點也多著重在高科技武器的精準打擊,對敵 國百姓傷亡及戰場中人道援助方面,不若戰爭中飛彈空襲的震撼力。 本文主要藉美軍民事作戰在戰場中的經驗,與民事工作在戰後重建推動的成效,來檢視國軍民事服務處編成後,如何運用民事力量來支持未來的戰場,及未來國軍民事服務工作推動的重心為何,有無思考與轉型的空間與台美兩國在民事概念上的差異。美軍在民事定義上廣泛稱之為民事作戰,與國內民事服務工作在通俗的概念上得以比對。但深度研究有關民事作戰一詞,美軍將其解釋作戰中的民事任務,民軍作戰又是民事作戰的上層指導,適用性較為廣泛,無論平時、戰時、海外及美國本土均得以適用,上述所提到的兩個名詞,與我國現行的民事服務工作,在概念上多有若干的差異與區別。 最後,研究發現美軍民事作戰在戰略、作戰、戰術三個層次上是可以連貫的,且與心理作戰密不可分,以上兩種功能不但可以降低平民百姓的傷亡,且有助於作戰部隊作戰目標的達成。其次民事部隊的多元運用與彈性編制,在戰場有助於作戰情報的蒐集,戰後,大量動員專業部隊投入重建工作,更有助減輕部隊後勤負擔。另外,民事部隊與國際組織(IOs)、非政府組織(NGOs)密切協調聯繫作為,將美軍部隊、政府機構、非政府組織等三者有效的串連,更是值得國軍仿效學習的。


Since 1990 to 2005, the U.S. has experienced 3 remarkable wars, and except the war in Afghanistan in 2001, the battlefields were mainly in the Middle East, Iraq. Through the Hi-tech Equipments of the Media, the scenes of war were penetrated into families of the world via TV. , and it seemed that the battlefields were not far away. People’s concern usually focused on the accurate strike of the Hi-Tech weapons, and less concerned about the casualties of the wars and the humanitarian assistances in the battlefield. Basically, this discourse surveyed the experiences and effects of Civil Affairs Operations of the U.S. Army in the battlefields, in order to figure out how to utilize the strength of the Civil Affairs to support the coming war, to understand what the main point of our Civil Affairs Operation is, and to clarify the differences between our country and the U.S. on the concept of Civil Affairs Operation. In the U.S. Army, the definition of Civil Affairs is as broad as Civil Affairs Operation, to the extent of which is somewhat the same as the common sense of our Civil Affairs service. Meanwhile, the concept of Civil Affairs Operation is interpreted by the U.S. Army as “the civil affairs missions in the operation”. The Civil Military Operation conduct the action of Civil Affairs Operation, and the applicability of former is broader, which can be applied not only to the situations of both peace and war time, but also to foreign and domestic circumstances. The two terms mentioned above are different from the de facto Civil Affairs Service of our country. Finally, my research discovered that the consistency of the Civil Affairs Operation of the U.S. Army exists in the levels of strategy, operation and tactic. In addition, it always associates with PSYOP. , and such two kinds of operations can not only decrease the casualties, but also help the troops reaching their objects. Secondly, the multi-utilization and flexibility of the Civil Affairs Task Forces benefit not only the reconnaissance in the battlefield, but the reconstruction after the war. Further more, the close connection has established ties among Civil Affairs Task Forces, International Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations, which must have been some lessons for us to learn.


王佳煌、潘中道等譯,W. Lawrence Neuman著
國立台灣大學圖書館 http://www.lib.ntu.edu.tw/
Altshuler, MG Buz
Department of Defense
2000 Joint Publication 1, Joint Warfare of the Armed Forces of the United States America:Washington,DC.
