  • 學位論文


Analysis On-the-job Training of Life Insurance Company

指導教授 : 繆震宇


壽險業務員之招募不同於其他一般產業的新人招募,在尚未產生業績時,壽險公司的成本就已經支出,至於這群新進壽險業務員能為公司貢獻多少業績則很難事先預想得到。壽險業除教育訓練外,應有更完備之留才制度,以降低業務員離職傾向。人力資源可謂是一個企業最重要的資產與競爭的關鍵要素,對於員工的教育訓練以及人力資源的投資,已經成為一個公司經營績效好壞的重要因素之一。如果沒有適切的輔導及訓練,不只破壞壽險公司的形象 , 亦會造成大量的保單失效及業務人員高流動率,這些因素都是對壽險公司經營會有不利的影響。 而訓練對於企業而言,是一項人才開發與經營發展的重要途徑,但也是一項昂貴的人力資源投資,訓練結果是否符合預期的經濟成本效益,是否能夠創造出高效率的組織績效,對於企業經營是非常重視而且重要的。現在保險公司已經體認到底薪的多寡並不是招募新人的唯一辦法,因而把重金轉移到教育訓練課程上,給予業務員良好的教育訓練制度,才是企業經營長久之計。 本研究以業界的保險公司ABC為例,從計劃、招募、甄選、培訓流程這些過程中探討,目的在於分析壽險事業經營過程中要增加業務人員的留存率,最重要的不外乎就是透過良好的教育訓練方式,確立教育訓練制度對於壽險業務人員的重要性。


Unlike the recruit of other regular industries, the insurance company “pays” before getting rewards since a new agent’s contribution to the insurance company is so unpredictable. Therefore, the human resources are the most valuable assets of an enterprise and the educational training of a new employee has relatively become the most important investment of a firm, of course. That is to say, an unsuccessful training of a new insurance agent results in the bad consequences of invalid policy and high turnover rate. Both of these damage the operation of an insurance company. Because the salesman is the brain of management in insurance area, one of the important titles is which improve the training education for salesman. In addition to educational training, firms should develop complete system to keep personals, and reduce turnover intention. Business culture also has some significant impacts upon business management. Training is an essential path to achieve human development and business success in an organization. However, the training cost or investment is also been aware by Human Resource because of its expensiveness: To sum up,this study puts emphasis on the comparison of 3 companies (A, B and C),discussing how to increase the persistence rate of insurance agent from the processes of interview、selection、and education training...etc.


1.Breaugh, J. A. (1981), Relationship between recruiting sources and employee performance, absenteeism, and work attitudes.
7.Marketing and Research Association.

