  • 學位論文


The influence of CCP's factions to economic reform (1978-2004)

指導教授 : 趙春山


中共1978年「十一屆三中全會」後,將工作重心轉移到「社會主義現代化經濟建設」上,這是中共歷史上的一次重要轉型。此後中國大陸開始從封閉經濟體制走向開放的經濟型態。推行改革政策期間歷經多次的政治風波以及經濟挫折,但都不影響中共堅持繼續改革開放的決心。自1978年中共改革開放以來,其經濟問題往往與政治相連結,經濟政策通常隨著政治意識的轉變而搖擺不定。一般在描述或探討中國改革開放過程中所發生的情形時,多認為諸國改革開放的政策是派系間彼此爭論、衝突,進而妥協的產物。黨內思想較開明者認為改革應朝市場經濟方向前進,而保守份子卻認為改革應該以「計畫經濟為主、市場調節為輔」。由於其意識形態之不同,導致彼此之間對經濟改革的施政措施的意見不同,更引起了派系之間的鬥爭。 本文從派系為出發點,採用「派系模式」研究途徑,藉以了解中共自1978年十一屆三中全會確立改革路線之後,期間20多年中共派系對經濟改革所發生的衝突以及影響。並從派系的角度觀察中國大陸自1978年到2002年胡錦濤接任中共中央軍委主席後,期間20多年中共經濟改革政策的轉變,並以此了解派系對中共經濟政策的轉折過程及改革發展方向的影響力。


After 1978,Deng XiaoPing gradually consolidated control over the CCP.Deng argued that China was in the primary stage of socialism and that the duty of the party was to perfect "socialism with Chinese characteristics." Unlike more conservative leaders such as Chen Yun, Deng did not object to policies on the grounds that they were similar to ones which were found in capitalist nations. In the spring of 1992, Deng made his famous southern tour of China. On his tour, Deng made various speeches and generated large local support for his reformist platform. Deng Xiaoping died in early 1997, and China, emerging gradually out of the Deng-era reforms and the relative stability of the early 1990s, faced a myriad of economic and social problems. And Jiang Zemin began a series of reforms in the state-controlled media aimed at promoting the "core of leadership" under himself, and at the same time crushing some of his political opponents. When the transition finally took place in the 16th National Congress of the CPC in 2002, Jiang was reluctant to leave the center of power. Since taking over as Party General Secretary at the Sixteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Hu Jintao proposed to set up a Harmonious Society. The rivalry between Jiang and Hu after Jiang stepped down from his posts was, arguably, an inevitable product of China's tradition of succession.


