  • 學位論文


The study on the technology innovation and competitive advantage of Taiwan interactive video game semiconductor design industry

指導教授 : 婁國仁


半導體設計業一直以來是我國活躍於世界舞台的重要產業,雖然比起其他如光電或生物科技產業而言沒有那麼耀眼,但我國的IC產值幾乎佔全球之冠,在全球各種電子產品中無一沒有台灣IC產品在其中,舉凡各類家電產品,電子產品,電子玩具,繪圖卡,音效卡,電腦產品,電腦週邊與機器人產品…等等,幾乎都是台灣的IC設計公司所設計的產品,由於我國在半導體的垂直整合相當完整,已因此我國的半導體產業也同時扮演這全球龍頭的角色。 中國大陸在二十一世紀的崛起令全球的產業次序開始從新洗牌,我國的半導體產業也同時面臨著相同的危機,如何在全球的競爭與中國的崛起中保持企業的競爭優勢,並且從ODM的代工模式轉而進行技術創新的新局?古云“知己知彼百戰百勝”, 本研究屬於探索性研究,採用質性分析的半結構式訪談法進行取樣與分析,個案中包括國內任天堂公司採用的CMOS元件供應商原相科技,以及電視遊樂器產品之IC供應商如松翰科技,合邦科技,凌陽科技與新唐科技五家公司為產業代表進行研究,對於技術創新與競爭優勢在半導體設計業中彼此的關聯性與技術創新是否為半導體設計業的競爭優勢做一深入的探討,並深入剖析技術創新的定義,範圍與創新程序。 通過本研究對於我國關鍵之IC設計業做一深入的探討,了解產業現況,從而提出有效建議乃為本研究之重點。


Though not as spectacular as optoelectronics or biotechnology, IC design has long been a major prop keeping Taiwan in the very center of the global market。 Taiwan’s IC industry is probably the world’s largest in terms of production value。 ICs from Taiwanese design houses are virtually omnipresent in all kinds of electronic products, home appliances, electronic toys, graphic cards, sound cards, PC and peripherals and robotic devices。 Thanks to its solid vertical integration, the IC industry in Taiwan has played a leading role in the global stage。 The rapid rise of China in the 21st century, however, has triggered a drastic reshuffle in the global economic structure。 Taiwan’s IC industry has also been confronted with the challenges from China。 How can the IC industry in Taiwan keep sustaining its competitiveness in the face of ever-rising global competition and mounting threats from China? Replacement of the ODM model by active technological innovation may be an effective solution。 As the old Chinese saying goes, “Know the enemy and know yourself, then you can fight a hundred battles without the danger of being defeat。” The study as an exploratory research adopts a qualitative approach and performs semi-structured interviews to facilitate sampling and analysis。 Five firms are selected as the representatives of Taiwan’s IC design industry for interview and research, including: PixArt Imaging Inc. (supplier of CMOS components for Nintendo), Sonix Technology Co., Ltd., Avid Electronics Corp。, Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd。, and Nuvoton Technology Corp。 The study aims to conduct an in-depth exploration of the correlations between technological innovation and business competitiveness in the IC design industry; the definition and scope of technological innovation and the innovation process have also been analyzed in details。 Performing a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the pivotal IC design industry in Taiwan, the study hopes to obtain a clear understanding of the industry’s current status and to propose relevant suggestions for enhancing the competitiveness of the industry。


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