  • 學位論文


Optomechatronics: Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometer and Its Applications in MEMS Devices

指導教授 : 吳乾埼


微機電元件的量測乃其量產之關鍵技術。電子斑點干涉儀(ESPI)具有非接觸光學全域檢測能力,為微機電元件量測重要工具。ESPI系統中,電荷耦合元件(CCD)影響電子斑點干涉儀量測的精確度,本文採用五一相移法,並以低價位之CCD取代昂貴的高速CCD,建構出一套低成本、高準確度的電子斑點干涉儀系統。 本文針對微機電元件進行實驗量測,驗證所建構系統的有效性。實驗初步顯示該系統在物體變形輪廓的量測上是確實達到次微米程度的精確度。


MEMS metrology is the key technology for the mass production of the MEMS devices. The electric speckle pattern interferometry is an important measurement tool as it is with the capabilities of the optical, non-contact and full filed measurements. For the ESPI system, CCD may influence the measurement accuracy. In this study, we adopt 5-1 phase shift technique, and use cheap CCD system rather than expensive one of high speed, to construct a novel ESPI system of low cost and high accuracy. We choose the MEMS device as the main application target for our ESPI system and verify its validity. The basic experimental results show the system can be applied to the measurement of the surface profile of objects with the resolution in the micron scale.


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