  • 學位論文


The impact of green marketing strategies and brand evaluations on consumers' willingness to adopt (WTA): Using green cosmetics as an example

指導教授 : 陳水蓮


由於人類從事各種生產活動以滿足消費者需求,相對地,對地球帶來許多負面的影響。目前,環保意識形成一種趨勢,人類藉著減少對環境產生傷害或從事對環境有助益的活動,來為地球盡一份心力。企業經營除了完成公司本身滿足消費者需求的宗旨外,也將促進消費者的環保意識列為公司策略的指標。因此,本研究欲了解,企業在從事對社會福祉有利的綠色活動時,其綠色策略之實施是否會影響消費者的採用意願,運用八個構面及一個干擾變數,發展出一套研究架構來探討構面之間的關係。針對市面上有從事綠色化妝品公司為標的,進行網路問卷的發放,受訪者選定有使用化妝品經驗的消費者,回收有效樣本713份。 回收樣本以AMOS17.0統計軟體進行信、效度的分析,並以結構方程模式的結果進行假設的檢定。獲得研究結果如下:一、綠色企業透明度、環保材料使用和綠色專業對企業社會責任及綠色品牌形象皆有顯著正相關;二、企業社會責任及綠色品牌形象對綠色品牌信任和權益皆有顯著正相關;三、綠色品牌權益及信任對採用意願皆有顯著正相關;四、新環境規範在模型中有干擾效果。最後,綜合研究結果提出相關之管理及理論意涵。最後,綜合研究結果,本研究提出相關之理論意涵並對欲從事綠色活動的企業提出相關管理意涵,提供企業管理者實務上之參考,並對後續研究者提供未來之研究建議。


Enterprises engaged in a variety of production activities to fit the customers' demands, which in turn brought many negative impacts on the Earth. Currently, environmental consciousness gradually becomes a tendency, thus, humanity is reducing the environmental harm or engaging in useful activities on the environment to make a contribution to the Earth's protection. In addition to complete the company's own business objective to satisfy consumers' demands as the purpose, but also to promote environmental consciousness among consumers as an indicator of corporate strategy. Therefore, this study is to understand whether green strategy implemented in the green businesses engaged in the green activities will affect consumer willingness to adopt, utilizing eight dimensions and one moderator to develop a research framework to explore the relationship between the dimensions. This study distributed an online questionnaire to the participants with cosmetic using experience, 713 effective data sets were collected. This study commissioned a professional survey company to distribute an online questionnaire to the participants with cosmetic using experience. AMOS17.0 statistics software was employed to analyze the measurement reliability and validity and examine the research hypothesis using structural equation modeling. The hypotheses were all supported to be as follows: First, green corporate transparency, environmental material usage and green expertise have significant positive impacts on both the corporate social responsibility and green brand image. Second, the corporate social responsibility and green brand image have significant positive impacts on both the green brand trust and green brand equity. Third, the green brand trust and green brand equity have significant positive impacts on willingness to adopt. Fourth, this study proposes the moderator variable: NEP is partially supported in the model. Finally, this research reveals several managerial implications to the enterprise managers who would like to be engaged in the green activity providing the practical suggestions, and the theoretical implications and further directions for future researchers.


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