  • 學位論文


Strategy of Research and Development for Traditional Electronic Industry. A case study on Rigid-Flex Board with HDI at U Company.

指導教授 : 林志鴻 賴錦璋


近年來由於消費性通訊電子產品的快速發展,帶動了電子業上、中、下游的快速成長,但自2007年的金融風暴,2010年的歐元區金融危機都造成了全球性的景氣低迷,而電子產業在這兩波的衝擊下影響甚鉅;其中又以印刷電路板業者感受更為明顯。由於印刷電路板為成熟型產業且相較於其他電子產業,其進入門檻也相對較低,故在台灣二十多年來,印刷電路板已經形成產業聚落,上下游整合健全,故在此成熟且進入門檻低的產業中,印刷電路板業者如何擺脫低毛利的惡性競爭,同時拉大與同業的技術差距已是經營者需面對的課題。 本研究以U公司為個案研究對象,該公司目前在進入門檻較高的HDI中已有多年的生產經驗,故其技術水準已大幅領先同業,由於HDI是目前廣泛應用於消費性通訊電子的技術之一,該技術能有效的減少印刷電路板產品的體積。本研究將以Lin and Pao (2004)之理論架構分析來探討U公司競爭策略形成要素,由7S模式分析個案公司內部環境的優勢與劣勢,再以五力模型分析其產業環境的機會與威脅,再藉由 PESTEL 模型來評估總體環境對其影響,最後透過對其內部、產業及總體環境作整體分析,評估個案公司將現有HDI的技術應用於軟硬結合板上之可行性,達到提高現有的技術能力與製程能力,進而創造出高毛利,高實用性的產品,以達企業永續生存的使命。


In recent years, the rapid growth of consumer electronics products has stimulate the upstream, midstream, and downstream of electronic industry to grow fast. However, both of Asia Financial Crisis in 2007 and Europe’s debt crisis in 2010 had led to global recession and electronic industry was affected badly by these two backlashes; especially for PCB industry, whose feelings were much more obvious. For more than 20 years in Taiwan, PCB industry has become a mature industry and formed the business cluster with a robust integration between each stream. Under the difficulty in entering this mature industry, how to get rid of low-profit competition and, at the same time, enlarge the gap of technique between competitors have become crucial lessons for each company. The case study is on U company, which has the producing experience in HDI manufacturing techniques for many years so that its level of technique is much higher than other competitors. The study identifies U company’s elements of formation in competitive strategy through theoretical framework analysis of Lin and Pao (2004), analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of its inner environment by 7S model, dissects the opportunities and threats in its industrial environment through Five Forces analysis model, uses PESTEL model to evaluate the impact from macro-environment, and conclusively makes an overall analysis on its inner, industrial, and macro environment for evaluating if it is feasible for U company to apply its HDI technique to rigid-flex boards, and then to produce high-profit and high-value products for achieving the destiny of enterprise sustainability.


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任禮麟(2006),「台灣小型印刷電路板代工業的轉型策略 -- 以A公司為例」,中央大學管理學院高階企業主管碩士班碩士論文。
