  • 學位論文


Design of an Intelligent B-spline neural control system for a voice coil motor

指導教授 : 許駿飛




Since the dynamic model of a voice coil motor (VCM) driver is difficult to obtain, the model-based control techniques are not easy to be used for a VCM driver. To overcome this drawback, this paper proposes two intelligent B-spline neural control system. One is intelligent total sliding mode control,and the other is intelligent backstepping control. In the proposed controler design, a B-spline neural network (BNN) is used to online approximate an unknown nonlinear term in the system dynamics of a VCM driver by tuning its interior parameters. The proposed intelligent control systems are composed of a computation controller and a fuzzy compensator. The computation control including a BNN approximator is the main control and the fuzzy compensator designed to eliminate the effect of the approximation error introduced by the BNN approximator. A parameter learning algorithm is desired to online tune the parameter of BNN approximator. Meanwhile, a proportional-integral parameter adaptation law is derived to speed up the convergence of tracking error. Finally, the proposed two intelligent control systems are implemented on a 32-bit microcontroller for possible low-cost and high-performance industrial applications. The experimental results show that two control methods can achieve high accuracy motion performance and is robust against payload variations of a VCM driver.


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