  • 學位論文

歐盟與台灣水產養殖產銷 履歷制度之比較

Comparison between the EU and Taiwan aquaculture Traceability Systems

指導教授 : 苑倚曼


台灣是擁有得天獨厚的豐富海洋資源,台灣附近也有著豐富的魚場,更有許多魚類洄游,漁撈對台灣人來說是稀鬆平常的事情,養殖業也是台灣不可或缺的產業之一。 近年來食品安全的問題日趨嚴重,近期食安的問題更是層出不窮,國際間前後也發生了狂牛症,戴奧辛,抗生素殘留,重金屬殘留等問題,消費者也憂心忡忡,為了解決並紓緩消費者心中的顧慮以及使消費者能夠放心,歐洲、美國、日本等國家陸續推動及重視產銷履歷制度的執行與建立。 在此想藉由歐洲的產銷履歷制度與台灣做比較,由此分析出歐盟與台灣在產銷履歷制度上的差異,以及其優缺點之比較。以及台灣可以由歐盟的產銷履歷制度中學習的部分。


Taiwan is located in unique areas which has abundant fisheries resources. Taiwan’s environment is suitable to migratory fish either. And fishing is par for traceability the course for Taiwanese. In addition, Aquaculture is an indispensable industry for Taiwan. In recent years, the food safety problem is becoming increasingly severe in the World (for instance: Dioxin, antibiotic and heavy metal residues) to become a very serious and worrying problem. Europe countries, American, Japan have pushinges ahead a Safety System and the Control of Traceability in order to relieve customer’s doubt and guaranty food safety from fishing or breeding to consumption. This article analysis and compares the regulation and execution systems of few most popular fishes and fish products traceability in the EU and Taiwan.


EU Fishery Food Safety Taiwan Traceability


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