  • 學位論文


Malaysia Democratic Action Party and Political Change

指導教授 : 陳鴻瑜


馬來西亞民主行動黨長期以反對黨的角色存在於馬來西亞政治,多次與其他族群代表政黨結盟企圖突破自1957年獨立以來持續執政的國陣。馬來西亞經歷2008年308大選的政治海嘯後,第三次真正出現兩線制政治,朝野勢均力敵的競爭致使馬來西亞民主政治的未來演進備受關注。 本論文通過政治文化研究途徑及歷史研究途徑,個別研究馬來西亞的三大族群馬來人、華裔及印裔的政治思想,以各族群的立場及思想出發,圍繞著論文的焦點-民主行動黨的角色、意識形態進行思考,探討民主行動黨與各族群的互動關係及起承轉合的轉變。目的是分析標榜多元族群政治路線的民主行動黨局限於非馬來人社會,尤其是華人社會的困境。 論文的內容同時涵蓋馬來西亞的選舉制度、投票行為等技術性的外在因素,結合民主行動黨的內在問題,多方面看待民主行動黨在主動與被動的環境下受到的政治際遇。同時,進一步思索民主行動黨參與民聯的結盟關係所面對的難題與阻礙,探討民主行動黨在推進民主政治的進程裡帶來的利弊影響。其中民聯是否會重蹈國陣協和式政治的模式,以及民主行動黨是否成為馬華再版,是本論文關注的重點。 本文之研究發現,歸納如下:第一,民主行動黨尋求突破種族政治的意圖並不容易達成,主因是馬來人的政治思想依舊傾向以族群及宗教認同出發。其次,民主行動黨在推進民主政治的過程中,僅限於華人選票之支持之有限性。第三,伊斯蘭黨的回教國主張令民主行動黨在華裔及馬來人圈中左右為難。在現行的種族和宗教結構下,民行黨欲實踐跨族群及各族平等之民主政治猶待努力。


Malaysia Democratic Action Party (DAP) has playing its role as an opposition party since its establishment in 1965. The opposition parties tried to unite to establish a front to campaign with the ruling Barisan National since 1990. But, it truly formed the two-party system in Malaysia after the 2008 general election. In order to understand the democratic progress of Malaysia, this thesis tried to chose DAP as a case study which will discuss the issues of race, religion and political ideas, the organization and operation of DAP, interaction of DAP with other parties, and PAP's role in Malaysian political change. The political arguments of DAP concentrated on political equality and racial non-discrimination, but it contradicts with the Malay and its opposition alliance party, such as Parti Keadilan Rakyat and Pan- Malaysian Islamic Party. This study concluded the research findings as follows. First, under the strict religious and racial structure, DAP as a Chinese-based party could not breakthrough into an open politics. Even the opposition front successfully takes the power, it seems uneasily to change the current Malays privileges. Second, the voting support of DAP will be limited to the Chinese and uneasily to get the votes from Malay. Third, the hindrance of cooperation between PAP and Islamic Party is the Darul Islam argument by the latter. DAP will need to spend more time and efforts to create a more equal racial democratic politics in Malaysia.


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