  • 學位論文


Study of Confined Pulsed Jet in a Crossflow

指導教授 : 湯敬民




In this thesis, the influence of a confined pulsed jet in the crossflow is well studied. The variations of the original blood vessel under different insert angles are experimentally investigated. Focused on observing the flow and the structure analysis of the crossflow to the main blood vessel caused by the installation angle of the artificial blood vessel in the restricted boundary pulsed jet. That includes the backflow area, velocity and vorticity distribution, in order to obtain the most consistent with the normal blood vessel installation angle. The experiment uses the acrylic tube to simulate the condition of the restricted boundary of the original blood vessel of the human body, separates the angle of the plug tube into three angles. The Particle Image Velocity method was adopted to be the main measurement facility. The developments flow field structures at three different conditions revealed via PIV system, including the velocity and vorticity distribution. The analysis then conclude the different angles’ Flow field merits and demerits. By analyzing the results of the variations of the flow field at different angles, comparing the slow position of the fluid at three different angles and finding the most suitable angle for the plug tube application. The best result that this paper concluded is to connect at 135 degrees. The impact of the flow field vorticity and velocity changes is minimal.


Bypass tube PIV Pulsed jet


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