  • 學位論文


The Relations between Singapore and Taiwan:1965-2016

指導教授 : 陳鴻瑜


新加坡和臺灣都是以華人為主的島嶼政權,在天然和地理條件上,都存在著天然資源不足、內部多元族群社會、小國生存危機等共通性,而以向外貿易作為發展經濟的動力。 新加坡之國家發展策略,是採取政經分離策略,政治是嚴格控制體制,經濟是開放資本主義體制,為了吸引外資和外商,必須營造一個穩定安全的商業環境,所以不喜歡西方的民主體制。而臺灣剛好相反,採取開放的政治和經濟體制,二者發展的結果有明顯的差異出現,新加坡的經濟發展成果遠超過臺灣。無論如何,星台兩國在政治和經濟方面有諸多借鏡和學習之處,也是本文進行比較研究的主題內容。 從新加坡於1965年獨立以來,基於其國家生存之考慮,開展與台灣的軍事和貿易關係,星國並無以和台灣發展關係用來應付北京,因為星國仍與中國發展密切的商業貿易關係。當時星國和中國尚無邦交,故中國亦不能置喙星國與台灣的軍事關係。即便星國與中國建交後,星國亦未就其與台灣之軍事關係讓步,顯見星國對於獨立外交相當堅持。就此而論,星國與台灣繼續維持友誼,在經貿等領域發展關係應會持續平穩進行,此對星、台雙方來說都是一個雙贏的局面。


台灣 新加坡


Both Singapore and Taiwan are Chinese-dominated island regime. In natural ecological conditions, they faced the same situations such as insufficient natural resources, multi-ethnic communities and survival crisis. But they are commonly using foreign trade as a driving force for economic development. Singapore is a country to adopt a political and economic separation strategy as their national development strategy, that is, politics is a strict control system, the economy is an open capitalist system. In order to attract foreign investment and foreign businessmen it must create a stable and secure business environment, so the western democratic thought and system is beyond the mind of leaders. Taiwan, on the contrary, adopts an open political and economic system. The results of the two countries' developments are obviously different. Singapore's economic development is far superior to that of Taiwan. In any case, the two countries in the political and economic aspects could learn and for reference each other. It is such a comparative study being the theme of this thesis. Since Singapore independence in 1965, she has closely carried out military and trade relations with Taiwan on the basis of its national survival. But Singapore didn't thought to use such kind of relations with Taiwan to deal with Beijing because she is still developing close commercial and trade relations with China . At that time, there was no diplomatic relations between Singapore and China, so China could not interfere with Singapore's military relationship with Taiwan. Even after the establishment of diplomatic relations between Singapore and China, Singapore has not made concessions on its military relations with Taiwan, showing that Singapore insists sternly on the independent diplomacy. In this regards, Singapore and Taiwan continue to maintain friendship, includes economic and trade relations should continue forward, this should be a win-win situation for both countries.


Taiwan Singapore


李世暉,「台日經貿策略聯盟之研究」,台灣國際研究季刊,2012 年/秋季號,第 8 卷,第 3 期,頁 83-94。
李敏智、施浚龍、方君文,「美國雷根總統與中華民國之關係」,http://www.lib.thu.edu.tw/newsletter/126-201203/page05.2.htm#_ftn15 ,2016.11.4瀏覽。
