  • 學位論文


Solving the False Positive of Fall Detection Misjudgment by Rotating Rectangle

指導教授 : 易志孝
共同指導教授 : 黃謝璋(Hsieh-Chang Huang)




假陽性 旋轉矩形 跌倒偵測


Although image fall detection uses the aspect ratio technology to become more mature, there are still many daily behaviors that cause false alarm of fall detection system. For example, bending, squats, hand or foot swings and other daily actions can cause the system to misjudge the false positive. In this paper, we propose a fall detection system that uses a rotating rectangle to resolve false positives in fall detection. Our system is divided into two parts: image exclusion method and video exclusion method. Image exclusion method uses object detection to retrieve foreground objects, and then use a rectangular box to cover the object contours, and use the proposed rotating rectangular wrap object contour, which is calculates the angle at which the object rotates. The detection of the fall behavior in this way can solve the false positive misjudgment caused by most of the rectangular aspect ratio techniques for fall detection. However, the static exclusion method for some daily behaviors may also be misjudged as false positives. Therefore, this paper will solve the possible misjudgment of static exclusion method through dynamic exclusion method and improve the accuracy of fall detection.


